This program is supported by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Education under Title II, Part D of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (NCLB)


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Presentation transcript:

This program is supported by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Education under Title II, Part D of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (NCLB) - Enhancing Education Through Technology to the Colorado Department of Education.

Guiding Principle/Mantra It’s NEVER about the TOOL - it’s about YOUR curriculum! Pick the tool to match the curriculum NOT the curriculum to match the tool.

Norms How will we work together…  Honor everyone’s time  Listen to learn and apply to your context  Balance participation and share airspace  Practice tools, strategies and protocols  Paraphrase, probe, pause  Suspend judgment  Respect confidentiality  Commit to practice and follow-through  Self advocate  Avoid technological distractions

Learning Target Teachers will understand the importance of Critical Thinking & Reasoning as a 21 st Century skill, where it exists in the framework and standards, and tools which can help us and our students. Criteria for Success Teachers will be able to: identify where and how Critical Thinking & Reasoning fits into their specific content area standards and curriculum. effectively use blogs as a tool for Critical Thinking & Reasoning. create a new blog or modify an existing blog and post an entry.

What do you hope to learn today? What are you going to do to make sure you get there? Entrance Ticket: on the note card provided, write your name and answer to these questions.

Agenda – the activities that will guide us to the learning target Welcome 21st Century Framework and Standards Critical Thinking and Reasoning Differentiated Blogging Tools Activity Flex Activity: MicroBlogging Book Study (reflection and closure)

Hook/Anchor activity  Read and reply to this blog post:   (link is posted on on the Critical Thinking page)

“If you place in a bottle half a dozen bees and the same number of flies, and lay the bottle horizontally, with its base (the closed end) to the window, you will find that the bees will persist, till they die of exhaustion or hunger, in their endeavor to discover an opening through the glass; while the flies, in less than two minutes, will all have sallied forth through the neck on the opposite side. … It is the bees’ love of flight, it is their very intelligence, that is their undoing in this experiment. They evidently imagine that the issue from every prison must be where the light shines clearest; and they act in accordance, and persist in too-logical action.” (Peters and Waterman, 1988)

21st Century Framework - Essential Questions How is the teacher in the classroom using/modeling technology to motivate and engage her students? What opportunities do those students have to practice 21st century skills as part of the curriculum of that classroom?

21st Century Framework - Overview Why these skills are so important. What is the framework for 21st century skills? What can districts do to target these skills?

Why are these skills important? 5 new contexts in our New Global Economy ContextSkills needed Global Competition Global Awareness Self-Direction Global Cooperation Global Awareness Information & Communication Technology Literacy Information Growth Information Literacy Critical Thinking & Problem Solving More Jobs and Careers Innovation & Improvement Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Flexibility & Adaptability Growing Global Service Economy Communication Skills Life & Career Awareness Skills

Work Ethic 80% Collaboration 75% Oral Communication 70% Social Responsibility 63% Reading Comprehension 63% English Language 62% Critical Thinking & Problem Solving 58% What knowledge and skills are most important for job success when hiring a high school graduate? SOURCE: “ARE THEY READY TO WORK?” STUDY FROM THE PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING

Work Ethic 70% Collaboration 35% Oral Communication 53% Social Responsibility 44% Reading Comprehension 38% Written Communications 81% Critical Thinking & Problem Solving 70% Of the high school students that you recently hired, what were their deficiencies in the most important knowledge and skill areas? SOURCE: “ARE THEY READY TO WORK?” STUDY FROM THE PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING

Critical Thinking 78% I.T. 77% Health & Wellness 76% Collaboration 74% Innovation 74% Personal Financial Responsibility72% What skills and content areas will be growing in importance in the next five years? SOURCE: “ARE THEY READY TO WORK?” STUDY FROM THE PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING

21st Century Framework - Overview Why these skills are so important. What is the framework for 21st century skills? What can districts do to target these skills?

21 st Century Themes - Global Awareness - Financial, Economic, Business & Entrepreneurship Literacy - Civic Literacy - Health Literacy Learning & Innovation Skills - Critical Thinking & Problem Solving - Creativity & Innovation - Communication & Collaboration Information, Media & Technology Skills - Information Literacy - Media Literacy - ICT (Information, Communications & Technology) Literacy Life & Career Skills - Flexibility & Adaptability - Initiative & Self-Direction - Social & Cross-Cultural Skills - Productivity & Accountability - Leadership & Responsibility

21st Century Framework - Overview Why these skills are so important? What is the framework for 21st century skills? What can districts do to target these skills?

Focus on 21st century outcomes. What skills should our kids have when they leave our schools? Be “purposeful and intentional” about teaching and assessing these 21st century skills. Align educational support systems to produce 21st century outcomes. Focus on Professional Development

What can districts do to target these skills? continued... Be sure you have a broad range of assessments (formative and summative) that measure true 21st century skills. Align education, workforce development, and economic development. Focus on the importance of partnerships (after school, youth development, business community, parents, etc.).

21st Century Framework - Conclusion Are our students information and technology literate? Are our students flexible and adaptable? Are our students innovative? Are our students effective communicators?

21st Century Framework - Conclusion Are our students critical thinkers and problem solvers? Are our students globally aware? Are our students self-directed? Are our students good collaborators?

ECS 21 st Century Skills Collaboration Critical Thinking & Reasoning Information Literacy Self-DirectionInventionGobalness

“Critical thinking is the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking, and being able to think clearly and rationally. Critical thinking does not mean being argumentative or being critical of others. Although critical thinking skills can be used in exposing fallacies and bad reasoning, they can also be used to support other viewpoints, and to cooperate with others in solving problems and acquiring knowledge.” -Dr. Joe Lau

Colorado Academic Standards  21 st Century Skills and Abilities  21st Century Skills and Readiness Competencies  Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

Take a closer look at where Critical Thinking & Reasoning fits in your content area  CDE - Colorado Academic Standards CDE - Colorado Academic Standards

After a short break, we will

Tools for Critical Thinking and Reasoning  Blogs  Microblogging

Why use a blog as a professional?  Karl Fisch:  Mashable:  Huffington Post:  The Beastie Boys:  Seth Goden:  Mario Lavandeira:  Laureen Blickenstaff:

Why use a blog in the classroom?  Becky Pitman:  Abbey Sonnenberg:  Annette Fritsche:

One more because it is SO DAMN CUTE!  Kimberly Biniecki:

Let’s blog

Exit Ticket