________________________________________________________________________________ Technical Features Developed in the ACCPAC Software Development Kit (SDK). Runs on any ACCPAC database Runs in a web browser Uses ACCPAC security and Lanpaks Supports Microsoft MAPI compliant faxing software Supports MS Outlook, Novell GroupWise and Lotus Notes
________________________________________________________________________________ Pay Creditors Electronically: Enter banking information against ACCPAC vendors Setup multiple bank accounts for each vendor Distribute EFT payments to bank accounts by percentage or fixed amounts Use open ACCPAC AP Payment batches to generate bank EFT files Automatically or fax remittance advices to vendors from posted AP Payment batches Resend advices at any time Print a log file of electronic payments
________________________________________________________________________________ Direct Debit Customers: Enter banking information against ACCPAC Customers Setup multiple bank accounts per customer Distribute EFT payments to bank accounts by percentage or fixed amounts Create bank EFT files from open AR Receipt Batches Automatically or fax direct debit advices from posted AR Receipts batches
________________________________________________________________________________ Pay Employees Electronically: Add bank details to employee master files Store multiple bank accounts per employee Distribute EFT payments to employee’s bank accounts by percentage or fixed amounts Generate the bank EFT file from payrun details Print a log file of electronic payments made to employees Works with both US and Canadian Payroll
________________________________________________________________________________ Import Credit Card/Direct Debits: Download or receive your credit card files from your bank and import into EFT Services Automatically creates an AR Receipt Batch (unallocated i.e. quick deposit) Add bank credit card merchant fee File formats can be easily edited using an Excel template file
________________________________________________________________________________ Electronic Checks: Scan in paper checks using a MICR reader Automatically creates an AR Receipts Batch (unallocated) From the AR Receipts Batch create the direct debit file and send to the bank Very useful for clients that receive large numbers of checks
________________________________________________________________________________ Consolidate Bank EFT Files Save bank fees by combining multiple EFT files into one
________________________________________________________________________________ Reports: AP Audit Log Report AR Audit Log Report Payroll Audit Log Report Vendor Banking Details Customer Banking Details Employee Banking Details
________________________________________________________________________________ Advantages: ( over ACCPAC EFT Direct Products) EFT Services is a fully SDK compliant ACCPAC module. As such it uses ACCPAC Lanpaks, it runs in a web browser, it uses ACCPAC security, it runs on ACCPAC's databases. EFT Services does not need to import debtors and creditors to set-up EFT banking info. EFT Services automatically reads all debtors and creditors as they are added to ACCPAC. EFT services automatically s or faxes remittance advices. Works with Outlook, Lotus Notes and Novell GroupWise. An audit log is maintained of when payments/receipts were made and when the vendor/customer was advised and how. EFT Services is less expensive than EFT Direct Both EFT for AR and AP is in the one module - so only one install and training is required - much easier to maintain. Also produces electronic checks and scans in the MICR details on checks. Imports credit card files to automatically create receipt batches.
________________________________________________________________________________ More Information: Visit Ph: