Class Experiment Psych 231: Research Methods in Psychology
Class experiment Today going to go over the design and procedures for the class experiment.
Memory Demonstration Instructions: I’m going to read a list of words. After I’m done, please count backwards by threes from the number that I give you. Then I’ll tell you to write down as many of the words as you can. Read list 683
Recall Please recall as many of the items now (write them down). Check : Book Tree Car Radio Desk Table Magazine Stereo Truck Flower Newspaper Shrub Minivan Video Dresser
The issues What variables might influence performance on a memory task like this? We’ll select two things: Mode of presentation (visual vs. auditory) Structure of the list
Class experiment BOOK CAR DESK DRESSER FLOWER MAGAZINE MINIVAN See the wordsHear the words Two different presentation modes:
Class experiment BOOK CAR DESK DRESSER FLOWER MAGAZINE MINIVAN Alphabetical & Categorical BOOK MAGAZINE DESK DRESSER MINIVAN CAR FLOWER Two different organizations will be used:
Class experiment BOOK CAR DESK DRESSER FLOWER MAGAZINE MINIVAN Alphabetical & Categorical BOOK MAGAZINE DESK DRESSER MINIVAN CAR FLOWER Two different organizations will be used:
The issues What are the issues that we’re looking at? What is the Dependent variable? Construct? Operationalized? What is/are the Independent variable(s)? Mode of presentation Op: Read to participant, Read by participant Organization of list Op: Alphabetical, Categorical accurate recall of words from list memory
The design How many conditions do we have? What is the design of the study? 2 factors What are your predictions? Read byRead to Mode of presentation Categorical Organization of list Alphabetical
Class experiment I have put the materials together and posted them on the syllabus (click on “class experiment)syllabus Your homework is to Download “Exp packet” Fiind four volunteers Collect some data Bring the data back to class on Monday I will compile and analyze the results Based on this experiment and these results you will produce an APA style research report
Class experiment In the packet you’ll find: Instructions To create the stimuli To read to your participants For compiling the data (data sheet provided) Four consent forms Debriefing sheet
The Procedure 1.Find 4 volunteers 2.Test each participant (one-at-a-time, in one of the conditions) (Across your 4 volunteers, you should have tested all 4 conditions) 1.Following presentation of the word list, 2.Have them count backwards by 3s for 15 sec. 3.Ask them to recall as many of the words as they can (have them write them down) 3.Count up the number of correctly recalled words and enter this information into the data summary sheet 4.Bring the data back to class on Monday
The design What do we need to control? Presentation rate Amount of time for recall Number of items on the list Actual items on the list Any other things we need to think about? Ethics Consent form, debriefing I have create these and they are part of the experiment packet that you download 90 seconds 15 items 5 categories, 3 items per cat (see Exp packet) 1 second per item
The class paper Complete APA style research report Intro There are 3 required readings which you must include these in your introduction Kirsner (1974) Donaldson (1980) Cohen (1963) Additionally, you must find at least 1 additional article to include in your introduction Methods, Results, References, etc. Two drafts (see web pages for specific details) 1st: due week 10 Final: due week 15