T.Sharon-A.Frank 1 Internet Resources Discovery (IRD) Intelligent IRD
2 T.Sharon-A.Frank Motivation for Intelligence “ We are drowning in information but starved of knowledge “ John Naisbit
3 T.Sharon-A.Frank Content Classical IRD characteristics and the Information food chain Agents - Softbots family Meta SE - Metacrawler Homepage finder - Ahoy! ILA – Internet Learning Agent Shopbot – Jango et al. See Oren Ezioni’s Web site at: oftbots.html oftbots.html
4 T.Sharon-A.Frank No Time for Intelligence! Classical IRD Characteristics Massive memory and network resources required. Amortized over millions of queries per day. Minimal cycles devoted to each individual. No memory of previous requests. Least common denominator service.
5 T.Sharon-A.Frank Classical Information Food Chain
6 T.Sharon-A.Frank Intelligent Information Food Chain
7 T.Sharon-A.Frank Definition: Softbots Softbots are intelligent agents that use software tools and services on a person’s behalf. Make intensive use of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques: planning, scheduling, learning, etc.
8 T.Sharon-A.Frank Softbot Family Tree Rodney Sims InfoManifold Occam Simon MetaCrawler Ahoy! ILA ShopBot BargainFinder
9 T.Sharon-A.Frank General problems to be solved Discovery –How to find new information sources (IS) ? Extraction –What to send and how to parse the response ? Translation –How to interpret the response in terms of internal concepts ? Evaluation –How to evaluate the quality of IS ?
10 T.Sharon-A.Frank Metacrawler Ahoy! Discovery, Evaluation: Extraction: Translation: Main Focus of the Robots ILA
11 T.Sharon-A.Frank Meta Search Engine MetaCrawler YahooWeb CrawlerOpen TextLycosInfoSeekInktomiGalaxyExcite
12 T.Sharon-A.Frank Search Service - Motivation 1. The number and variety of Search services. 2. Each service provides an incomplete snapshot of Web. 3. Users are forced to try and retry their queries across different indices. 4. Each service has its own interface. 5. Irrelevant, outdated or unavailable responses. 6. There is no time for intelligence. 7. Each query is independent. 8. No individual customization. 9. The result is not homogenized.
13 T.Sharon-A.Frank The Web Community Demands Robustness –A working system, accessible 24 hours a day. Speed –Transmitting useful information within seconds. Added Value –Any increase in sophistication had better yield a tangible benefit to users.
14 T.Sharon-A.Frank Premises of MetaCrawler No single search is sufficient. Problem in expressing the query. Low quality references can be detected.
15 T.Sharon-A.Frank MetaCrawler
16 T.Sharon-A.Frank MetaCrawler is a Meta-Service It doesn’t use a database of its own. It uses other external search services that provide the information necessary to fulfill user queries.
17 T.Sharon-A.Frank MetaCrawler Advantages It access multiple databases and provides large number of higher quality references. It does not depend upon the implementation or existence of any specific search service. It access the search services simultaneously. Users need not remember the address, interfaces, … of each search service.
18 T.Sharon-A.Frank How It Works? It currently accesses a few services: InfoSeek, Lycos, WebCrawler, Yahoo, etc. It submits a query to every search service it knows in parallel. It collates the results by merging all hits returned. It has a sorting and verify option. It presents a results page consisting of a list of references.
19 T.Sharon-A.Frank Meta-Search
20 T.Sharon-A.Frank Meta Search Results