DAME, EuroGrid WP3 and GEODISE Esa Nuutinen
Introduction Dame, EuroGrid WP3 and GEODISE All are Grid based tools for Engineers. Many times engineers need temporary more computational resources than they locally have. EuroGrid and GEODISE tries to solve this problem by “renting” computing time. (Application Service Providers, ASP)
DAME Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment (DAME) Target: To use the GRID and to implement a distributed decision support system for deployment in maintenance applications and environments. Funding: The UK Research Councils e-Science Core Programme ( about 5 million euros )
Dame Participants: University of York, University of Leeds, Oxford University and Sheffield University Main Collaborators: Rolls Royce (Provides test data) Data Systems & Solutions Associate company CYBULA (Developing fast database software and hardware)
DAME-DESCRIPTION Common framework for all Grid based diagnostic and maintenance environments. Combines other earlier projects AURA Advanced Uncertain Reasoning Architecture for Pattern matching. QUOTE Neural network based diagnostic system.
DAME - Architecture
DAME-WRG White Rose Grid. Middleware: Globus Toolkit 3.0. User Identification: X509.v3 digital certificates.
DAME-User Interface Web based UI. Can be used from anywhere with normal web browser.
EuroGrid WP3 Eurogrid is funded by the European Commission as part of the IST programme in a term from Inside the EuroGrid there are four application specific Grids. Big-GRID, Meteo-GRID, CAE-GRID, HPC-GRID.
EuroGrid - Participants National Computer Centers: orchungzentrum Julich (D), Victoria University of Mancester (UK), CNRS-IDRIS (F), Parallab – University of Bergen (N), Warsaw University – ICM (PL)... Industrial users. Deutscher Wetterdienst (D), Debis Systemhaus (D)... Technology Providers. Pallas GmbH (D), Fujitsu European Center for Information Technology (UK)
EuroGrid-Description Middleware: Unicore Tries to develop: high-performance data transfer, dynamic resource discovery and brokering, accounting, billing, application coupling, interactive access and application steering. All components have been written in Java.
EuroGrid - CAE-Grid CAE packages are standard practice in many industrial sectors: automotive and aerospace. Idea is to sell computing time for companies that need it. Users sends CAE package to the Grid. It's solved. User copies results from the Grid. (ASP)
EuroGrid - Architecture
GEODISE Grid Enabled Optimisation and Design Search for Engineering. Idea is to develop design, search and optimisation involving fluid dynamics. Relevant for aerospace, automotive and oil industries. Allows engineers to analyse properties of design when it is still on computers screen.
GEODISE - Participants Funded by: Engineer and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Academic Participants: University of Southampton, University of Oxford, University of Manchester. Companies: BAE Systems, Rolls Royce, Condor, Microsoft, Epistemics, Compusys and Intel.
GEODISE – Description Middleware: Globus and Condor GEODISE will be visible to engineer as a web portal. Knowledge database will guide user through the process. Remote access is possible using the Matlab environment. User can control process using Matlab optimization toolkits.
GEODISE - Architecture
GEODISE – Example search
GEODISE - Condor Condor can be used to manage cluster of dedicated compute nodes. Also can harness wasted CPU power from otherwise idle desktop workstations. Is interoperable with resources managed by Globus. Works as well on Windows as Unix.
References: DAME: EuroGrid: GEODISE: