The Role of Specialization in LDPC Codes Jeremy Thorpe Pizza Meeting Talk 2/12/03.


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Presentation transcript:

The Role of Specialization in LDPC Codes Jeremy Thorpe Pizza Meeting Talk 2/12/03

Talk Overview  LDPC Codes  Message Passing Decoding  Analysis of Message Passing Decoding (Density Evolution)  Approximations to Density Evolution  Design of LDPC Codes using D.E.

The Channel Coding Strategy  Encoder chooses the m th codeword in codebook C and transmits it across the channel  Decoder observes the channel output y and generates m’ based on the knowledge of the codebook C and the channel statistics. Decoder Encoder Channel

Linear Codes  A linear code C (over a finite field) can be defined in terms of either a generator matrix or parity-check matrix.  Generator matrix G (k×n)  Parity-check matrix H (n-k×n)

LDPC Codes  LDPC Codes -- linear codes defined in terms of H.  H has a small average number of non-zero elements per row

Graph Representation of LDPC Codes  H is represented by a bipartite graph.  There is an edge from v to c if and only if:  A codeword is an assignment of v's s.t.:... Variable nodes Check nodes

Regular (λ,ρ) LDPC codes  Every variable node has degree λ, every check node has degree ρ.  Ensemble is defined by matching left edge "stubs" with right edge "stubs via a random permutation... Variable nodes Check nodes π

Message-Passing Decoding of LDPC Codes  Message Passing (or Belief Propagation) decoding is a low-complexity algorithm which approximately answers the question “what is the most likely x given y?”  MP recursively defines messages m v,c (i) and m c,v (i) from each node variable node v to each adjacent check node c, for iteration i=0,1,...

Two Types of Messages...  Liklihood Ratio  For y 1,...y n independent conditionally on x:  Probability Difference  For x 1,...x n independent:

...Related by the Biliniear Transform  Definition:  Properties:

Message Domains Likelihood Ratio Log Likelihood RatioLog Prob. Difference Probability Difference

Variable to Check Messages  On any iteration i, the message from v to c is:  It is computed like:... v c

Check to Variable Messages  On any iteration, the message from c to v is:  It is computed like:  Assumption: Incoming messages are indep.... v c

Decision Rule  After sufficiently many iterations, return the likelihood ratio:

Theorem about MP Algorithm  If the algorithm stops after r iterations, then the algorithm returns the maximum a posteriori probability estimate of x v given y within radius r of v.  However, the variables within a radius r of v must be dependent only by the equations within radius r of v, v r...

Analysis of Message Passing Decoding (Density Evolution)  in Density Evolution we keep track of message densities, rather than the densities themselves.  At each iteration, we average over all of the edges which are connected by a permutation.  We assume that the all-zeros codeword was transmitted (which requires that the channel be symmetric).

D.E. Update Rule  The update rule for Density Evolution is defined in the additive domain of each type of node.  Whereas in B.P, we add (log) messages:  In D.E, we convolve message densities:

Familiar Example:  If one die has density function given by:  The density function for the sum of two dice is given by the convolution:

D.E. Threshold  Fixing the channel message densities, the message densities will either "converge" to minus infinity, or they won't.  For the gaussian channel, the smallest (infimum) SNR for which the densities converge is called the density evolution threshold.

Regular (λ,ρ) LDPC codes  Every variable node has degree λ, every check node has degree ρ.  Best rate 1/2 code is (3,6), with threshold 1.09 dB.  This code had been invented by 1962 by Robert Gallager.

D.E. Simulation of (3,6) codes  Set SNR to 1.12 dB (.03 above threshold)  Watch fraction of "erroneous messages" from check to variable.  (note that this fraction does not characterize the distribution fully)

Improvement vs. current error fraction for Regular (3,6)  Improvement per iteration is plotted against current error fraction.  Note there is a single bottleneck which took most of the decoding iterations.

Irregular (λ, ρ) LDPC codes  a fraction λ i of variable nodes have degree i. ρ i of check nodes have degree i.  Edges are connected by a single random permutation.  Nodes have become specialized.... Variable nodes Check nodes π λ3λ3 λnλn ρ4ρ4 λ2λ2 ρmρm

D.E. Simulation of Irregular Codes (Maximum degree 10)  Set SNR to 0.42 dB (~.03 above threshold)  Watch fraction of erroneous check to variable messages.  This Code was designed by Richardson et. al.

Comparison of Regular and Irregular codes  Notice that the Irregular graph is much flatter.  Note: Capacity achieving LDPC codes for the erasure channel were designed by making this line exactly flat.

Multi-edge-type construction  Edges of a particular "color" are connected through a permutation.  Edges become specialized. Each edge type has a different message distribution each iteration.

D.E. of MET codes.  For Multi-edge-type codes, Density evolution tracks the density of each type of message separately.  Comparison was made to real decoding, next slide (courtesy of Ken Andrews).

MET D.E. vs. decoder simulation

Regular, Irregular, MET comparison  Multi-edge-type LDPC codes improve gradually through most of the decoding.  MET codes have a threshold below the more "complex" irregular codes.

Design of Codes using D.E.  Density evolution provides a moderately fast way to evaluate single- and multi- edge type degree distributions (hypothesis-testing).  Much faster approximations to Density Evolution can easily be put into an outer loop which performs function minimization.  Semi-Analytic techniques exist as well.

Review  Iterative Message Passing can be used to decode LDPC codes.  Density Evolution can be used to predict the performance of MP for infinitely large codes.  More sophisticated classes of codes can be designed to close the gap to the Shannon limit.

Beyond MET Codes (future work)  Traditional LDPC codes are designed in two stages: design of the degree distribution and design of the specific graph.  Using very fast and accurate approximations to density evolution, we can evaluate the effect of placing or removing a single edge in the graph.  Using an evolutionary algorithm like Simulated Annealing, we can optimize the graph directly, changing the degree profile as needed.