Basic concept Technologies we have used The Design Problems, challenges & solutions Educational Gain
The game is based on Ogre engine. The physics is based on newton technology. When using both we can create interactive multiple objects game.
Ogre (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a open source graphics engine. Newton Game Dynamics is a free, but closed source physics engine for realistically simulating rigid bodies in games and other real-time applicationsphysics engine
Learning the ogre engine and the Newton technology and make both of them work together (orgrenewt). Write structural code in C++ which implement the ogre and Newton methods. Create interactive game.
Problem: Our main obstacle with the design was interact between the Ogre engine and the Newton technology. Solution: find and implement Ogrnewt API which interact both with Ogre and Newton.
Problem: Understand the physic behind the figures and scene. Solution: Understand the basic of image processing and the way Newton interpreters the world.
Experiencing coding to graphical engine. Be familiar with Ogre as graphic engine and with Newton as physics engine.