[Context to Make You More Aware] Presentation [Adrienne Andrew, Yaw Anokwa, Karl Koscher, Jonathan Lester, Gaetano Borriello Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA]
Overview Goal: helping users to make more informed choices about what physical activities Development of a platform: collecting relevant context information for five different scenarios, processing this data and presenting relevant information to the user at the right time and in an unobtrusive way Personal area network: sensor platform with wireless capabilities, Bluetooth-enabled wristwatch, and mobile phone Capability of communication with PCs and web services through wireless channels Future work: applying scenarios into customized applications and evaluating complete system
Introduction Inspiration on Design: Obesity due to Technology Other way in developing technology Overview of actual Implementation and Process Previous research, target scenarios, and implementation, future work
Related Work Persuasive technologies Fogg: persuasive technologies as computer based tools which persuade people to change their behavior Self-monitoring, suggestions, and tailoring ViTo Nawyn: a system with tools above to help people become more aware of and modify a very specific behavior ViTo: an enhanced remote control for a media center that tracks a person’s television watching behaviors
Related Work (Continue...) eWatch Carnegie Mellon University SPOT watch Commercial general-purpose programmable watch platform MSN FM radio transmitters and Desktop applications Fitness, adventure oriented watches Polar, Garmin, and Timex
Usage Scenarios Five Usage scenarios, Development of context-awareness platform Personal health relation Two main ideas for each scenario: (1) collecting precise, relevant information and (2) inferring user context Implemented on wearable platforms
Usage Scenarios (Continue…) Scenario A: Should I walk further or catch the bus here? Low activity level for the day Alternative bus routes for more steps Time to next bus with set of bus stops Several choices for foot steps
Usage Scenarios (Continue…) Scenario B: Do I have time to park further away and walk in ? Extra time to park and to arrive at class Beep sound and message display on watch Information for numbers of steps from different parking lots Accomplishing a set of foot steps per a day
Usage Scenarios (Continue…) Scenario C: That short drive wasn’t worth it Dinner ready, missing a key ingredient Foot steps from the car to the supermarket Display amount of saved gas money and increased foot steps
Usage Scenarios (Continue…) Scenario D: Where should I go for lunch? Suggestion on the types of food restaurant Reaching fitness goal Making a reservation with one key on the phone Guiding menu and consulting the choice
Usage Scenarios (Continue…) Scenario E: Have I been sitting that long? Office context from wearable sensors Detecting current motion (idle/ work) Matching with others to possible interaction (resting/exercising)
System Architecture Figure 7. System Architecture Intel iMote2 (an embedded computer), MSB (multi-modal sensor board, SD storage, and Bluetooth expansion board) Software running on the iMote2 platform
System Architecture Figure 8. Availability graph for a typical user
System Architecture (Continue…) Web Service Central web server for many applications Interface to DB Providing more information Gathering information from Internet Formatting information for user interface Server implementation with CGI scripts with Apache Communication with HTTP POST and GET requests
System Architecture (Continue…) User Interfaces
Conclusion and Future Work Many choices related with health and fitness issues Development of intelligent wearable platform Gathering and processing information automatically Informing available choices at proper time Future development to survey useful information any moment Tradeoffs between power efficiency in communication and clear display
Questions & Answers Figure 9. MSP, SPOT Watch, and Nokia E70 Phone used in our system