Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds OpenCourseWare Secondary Education
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds OpenCourseWare Secondary Education 1 1 › OpenCourseWare › OCW SE - The Motivation › OCW SE - The Idea › OCW SE - Discovery and Design
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 2 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education OpenCourseWare (OCW) – What is it? › A Web-based publication of virtually all of MIT course content › Open and available to the world › A permanent MIT activity › Features: – Lecture notes – Syllabi – Assignments – Labs – Problem sets and solutions – Selected video lectures
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 3 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education OpenCourseWare - Value and Impact › 1400 courses out of 1800 › Translations in more than a dozen languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Thai, Arabic…) › More than 100 OCW projects underway at other universities › MIT OCW Use 71% of students 59% of faculty 42% of alumni › Over 75% of MIT faculty have participated
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 3 OCW SE — The Motivation › American STEM degrees: – 32% – 27% › Survey of university faculty in 2006 * 32% thought HS students are “somewhat well prepared” for college studies in mathematics and science 5% thought HS students are “well prepared” * Source: January 2006 survey from The Chronicle of Higher Education 4 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds “When I compare our high schools to what I see when I’m traveling abroad, I am terrified for our workforce of tomorrow. In math and science our fourth graders are among the top students in the world. By eighth grade, they’re in the middle of the pack. By 12th grade, U.S. students are scoring near the bottom of all industrialized nations.” — Bill Gates, speaking in February 2005 OCW SE — The Motivation 5 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds OCW SE — The Motivation 6 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education The Steering Committee Thomas Magnanti (Chair)Dean, College of Engineering Dick YueAssociate Dean, College of Engineering Kim VandiverProfessor of Ocean Engineering / Dean for Undergraduate Research / Director, Edgerton Center Steve LermanClass of 1992 Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering/ Director, Center for Educational Computing Initiatives/ Chair, OCW Faculty Advisory Committee Shigeru MiyagawaProfessor of Linguistics, Kochi-Manjiro Professor of Japanese Language and Culture Catherine DrennanAssociate Professor, Chemistry Eric KlopferAssociate Professor, Urban Studies and Planning/Director, Teacher Education Program Karl ReidAssociate Dean for Undergraduate Education, Assistant to the Chancellor Anne MarguliesExecutive Director, OpenCourseWare Dan CarchidiSenior Publication Manager, OpenCourseWare Rana BanerjeeResearch Analyst, OpenCourseWare
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 7 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education OCW SE – The Idea › Project to apply the OpenCourseWare model › Focus on Mathematics, Science, and Engineering › Target grades 7-12
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds OpenCourseWare SE IS NOT: › A replacement for teachers or teacher/student interaction › Diploma granting › A virtual middle or high school OCW SE – The Idea 8 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education OpenCourseWare SE IS: › A Web-based publication of exemplary math, science and engineering resources for Grades 7-12 › Open and available to the world
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 9 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education › Inspire students to pursue degrees, and eventually careers, in STEM fields › Prepare students to excel in STEM fields › Provide materials and support for teachers that help them enrich their science and math classes › Provide resources and materials for students that help them to more easily and deeply learn STEM concepts OCW SE – The Goals Provide compelling content and create excitement and exuberance! Provide compelling content and create excitement and exuberance!
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 10 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education OCW SE – Key Components › math, science and engineering secondary education courses Significant video component Innovative multimedia applications Hands on, project based learning › Teachers in residence program with potential funding for teacher sabbaticals › Certificate programs in areas of science, math, and engineering › National mentors corps, a la peace corps?
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 11 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education OCW SE – Why MIT? ›MIT’s commitment to public service ›MIT branding and content for engineering and science ›Home of proven OCW concept ›Neutral convener ›History of educational impact in high school physics MIT and Physical Science Study Committee transformed high school and college physics education in 1950s ›Significant commitment to K-12 Education High priority for MIT President Currently over 30 MIT K-12 programs
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 12 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education › Standards-based teaching and learning is the reality in today’s schools › Teaching is very textbook-dependent › Little integration of concepts across STEM fields in grades 7-12 › Very little engineering presence in grades 7-12 › Many Web-based STEM resources are fragmented, difficult to use, and/or not openly available › Teachers don’t have the time to locate or aren’t aware of STEM resources Discovery and Design - Preliminary Findings
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 13 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education Discovery and Design - Design Considerations › To complement MIT expertise, OCW SE will need to engage experts in secondary education › To inspire students, OCW SE should be inquiry based and show the application of science and math in engineering › To be useful to teachers, OCW SE must link to standards and be both modular and comprehensive › To be used by both educators and students, the OCW SE Web site must be designed differently for each audience › To make teachers aware of and able to use OCW SE, an active and exhaustive outreach campaign is required
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