Experimental results in charmonium decays from BES Rong-Gang Ping (presented by F. Harris) for BES collaboration Charm 2007 Aug. 6, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Experimental results in charmonium decays from BES Rong-Gang Ping (presented by F. Harris) for BES collaboration Charm 2007 Aug. 6, 2007

 (2s) data samples   ’ decays  Leptonic decays  Radiative decays  Hadronic decays   cJ decays  VV  PPP 3M 14M 4M outline 26M Also 6.42 pb -1 of data at Ecm=3.65 GeV for background study.

Expected? Sequential lepton hypothesis:

BESII: remeasure with larger sample Measured in        e  e Characterized by 2 charged tracks; 1  and 1 e missing energy and momentum no extra hits in BSC  = 17.8%

BESII    Result: B(    ) = (3.10  0.21  0.38) x B ee (10 -3 )B  (10 -3 )B  / (10 -3 ) 7.35    1.1 Lepton universality is tested in charmonium decays. PRD 74: (2006)

 ’ radiative decays PRL 99, (2007)

Observation of  ’ radiative decays Mode BR (  ) [m<2.9 GeV/c 2 ]  pp-bar 2.9 ± 0.4 ± 0.4  ’ ’ 12.6 ± 2.9 ± 1.5  2(  +  - ) 39.6 ± 2.8 ± 5.0  K S K +  - +c.c ± 3.6 ± 3.6  +-K+K- +-K+K ± 2.7 ± 4.3   +  - ppbar 2.8 ± 1.2 ± 0.7  2(K + K - ) < 4.0  3(  +  - ) < 17  2(  +  - )K + K - < 22 Expect ~1% BR, but only 0.05% previously observed. Potential channels for hadron spectroscopy study, including search for non-qqbar states, if enough statistics. ~ 0.1% more observed in this analysis. PRL99, (2007)

PRD74, (2006).


x Angular distribution: 2

Baryonic decays Rich structure (N*s), statistics (~850 evts in each mode). Still low for a partial wave analysis. PRD74, (2006)

Test I-spin symmetry (prediction: 1:2:2)

PRL 99, (2007)

 cJ → 2(K + K  ) Improved precision over PDG (BESI) results on  cJ  KKKK and . First measurement of  cJ   KK.  c2  c0  c1 Pair production of vectors PLB642, 197 (2006)

PRD 74, (2006)  c2  c1  c0 → PPP is suppressed by spin-parity selection;  cJ decays into PPP PRD74, (2006)  cJ → KK  and   c1 → K S K +  - +c.c. K*

N sig =418 ± 60  Nsig=58 ± 14 (4.5  )N sig =222 ±28 (8.8  )  sideband a  sideband  c1 →  +  -

BES:  cJ → KK  and  PRD 74, (2006 ) CLEO-c, PRD75,

 ’ (J/  )   +  0 /  Is it really B(  0 )>B(  )? arXiv: [hep-ex] Submitted to PRD First measurement! background from J/   ΣΛπ signal

  ’ leptonic decays, hadronic decays, radiative decays are studied to search for new phenomena and to test QCD predictions.   c decays are studied using  ’ data sample.  CLEOc will take the leading role in  ’ and  c decays; we are now preparing for the BESIII data taking and the physics analysis. Summary Thanks a lot !