First Year Experience
Keys to What do students need to do in their first year to be successful? What do students need to do in their first year to be successful? Connect with a Faculty/Staff member Connect with a Faculty/Staff member Connect with an upper class student Connect with an upper class student Get involved on campus Get involved on campus
SUNY Oswego’s First Year Programs Orientation Orientation Johnson Hall (FYRE) Johnson Hall (FYRE) FirstChoice Academic Program FirstChoice Academic Program First Year Advisement First Year Advisement The Laker The Laker GST 100: College Orientation & Success GST 100: College Orientation & Success
Oswego Reading Initiative (ORI) Bonobo Handshake by Vanessa Woods An Evening With the Author Wednesday, October 5, Lanigan Hall 7:00 pm
FirstChoice Academic Program What is FirstChoice? What is FirstChoice? Every student must have an “F” course Every student must have an “F” course 80 different courses capped at 19 students 80 different courses capped at 19 students Living and Learning Communities Living and Learning Communities Gateway to Business – Funnelle Hall Gateway to Business – Funnelle Hall Comm-Unity – Seneca Hall Comm-Unity – Seneca Hall
Managing the First Semester Scheduling team Scheduling team FirstChoice FirstChoice Math Entrance Exam Math Entrance Exam New Student Information Sheet New Student Information Sheet Major Requirements Major Requirements General Education Requirements General Education Requirements AP and College Credits AP and College Credits
First Year Advisement FYA vs. Summer Advisement FYA vs. Summer Advisement 70 First Year Faculty / Peer Advisors 70 First Year Faculty / Peer Advisors Undeclared Advisors Undeclared Advisors Five Required meetings Five Required meetings
Fall 2011 Meeting 1 – Friday, August 26, 2011 Opening Day Meeting – 4:30pm Meeting 2 - Early September College Student Inventory (CSI) meeting (students need to complete this survey in August) Meeting 3 - October Registration / PIN Midterm Grades Pilot
Spring 2012 Meeting 4 - January/February Group Check-In about educational planning Students on academic warning meet 1:1 Meeting 5 - March/April Registration Transition to sophomore year advisor
FERPA What is it? Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Also known as the Buckley Amendment Legislation passed 1974 Legislation passed 1974 Gave College Students the right to review their records and have them kept private Gave College Students the right to review their records and have them kept private Colleges are legally not allowed to release academic records to anyone but the student Colleges are legally not allowed to release academic records to anyone but the student
How Can You Help Your Student? Know important dates Know important dates Website Website Encourage Independence Encourage Independence Encourage Involvement on Campus Encourage Involvement on Campus Know the Resources Know the Resources Orientation Website Compass Website
ENJOY THE REST OF ORIENTATION!! If you have other questions feel free to contact me: Michelle Bandla Coordinator of First Year Programs