Hanscom Middle School Acceptable Use Policy and Computer Lab Rules By Mónica Albuixech Instructional Technology Specialist 2011
Computer Lab Rules 1. Come to class on time. 2. Attend to personal needs before coming to class. 3. Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up . 4. Throw scraps away at the end of the period on your way out. 5. Do not chew gum, eat candy, or other food in class unless you have been given special permission. 6. Talk only when permitted. 7. Use polite speech and body language. 8. Follow the teacher's directions. 9. Use the computers according to the AUP.
Consequences Breaking any of the classroom rules will result in an after school detention with the teacher. If it is a serious offense, the student’s parent or guardian will be contacted and it may result in suspension or cancellation of privileges for a trimester, as well as additional disciplinary action.
AUP a) Apple user policy b) Acceptable use policy Question 1 - What does an AUP stand for? a) Apple user policy b) Acceptable use policy c) Appropriate user program d) Appropriate user policy
Acceptable Use Policy AUP Question 2 - An Acceptable Use Policy is A document stating the rules that all users of school ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) resources must abide by. A document stating the rules that all users of school computers and Internet accounts must abide by and the consequences for breaking them.
Acceptable Use Policy AUP Question 3 - The student use of the district’s ICT resources is A right A privilege Both Privilege: “A special advantage granted only to a particular person or group of people.”
Acceptable Use Policy AUP Question 4 - Students can use the ICT’s resources at school. a) To check their email and social network sites. b) To navigate the Internet for non-school related purposes. c) To do activities that involve research or homework related to educational needs and to participate in distance learning activities. d) To stay in touch with friends and family.
Acceptable Use Policy AUP Question 5 - Which of the following statements is true? a) I am in charge of the custody, control and supervision of my own account or any other ICT resources that I use. b) My teachers are in charge of the custody, control, and supervision of my account or any other ICT resources that I use. c) The IT personnel is in charge of the custody, control, and supervision of my account and any other ICT resources that I use and will monitor all ICT activity by students.
Acceptable Use Policy AUP Question 6 - Which of the following statements is true? a) The way I behave and the language that I use do not matter when I use the ICT resources. Who’s going to find out? b) I don’t need to follow my teachers’ instructions when I use any of the ICT resources. I already know everything about the Internet and computers. c) I must use the same language and behavior online as I would use in a physical classroom and I must always comply with all instructions given by my teacher when using the ICT resources.
Acceptable Use Policy AUP Internet Guidelines Question 7 - Why do schools use filtering software? Because they don’t want the students to access YouTube. To prevent students from accessing inappropriate content in accordance with the CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act). Because they want to block the game and social network sites that students like to access so much.
Acceptable Use Policy AUP Internet Guidelines Question 8 - Which of the following statements is true? I downloaded something inappropriate to my account intentionally and I got caught. I should not lose ICT privileges; it is the IT people’s fault for not blocking all inappropriate websites. I broke one of the iPads because I was being careless. I should not lose ICT privileges; it is the school’s fault for not purchasing iPad cases. I shared my password with my best friend. Now my friend is accessing my account. I should not lose ICT privileges; it is my friend’s fault because he was the one who asked me for it. I downloaded something inappropriate to my account, I gave my password away, and I broke the iPad. I should lose ICT privileges because I am rthe only person responsible for my actions and activities involving the schools’ ICT resources.
Acceptable Use Policy AUP Question 9 - Examples of unacceptable uses of the ICT resources include: A) Accessing inappropriate content B) Violating copyrights C) Plagiarism D) Copying Software E) All of the above.
Acceptable Use Policy AUP Question 10 - When I use the ICT resources and I run into a website that asks me to give out personal information I can Give out my full name, address, and phone number without my teachers or parents’ permission. I’m at school! Give out my full name and my phone number but never my address. They can find me if I do. Give out my full name but never my address or my phone. Give out only a nick name, my initials, or my first initial and my last name.
Acceptable Use Policy AUP Question 11 - Other Examples of unacceptable use of the ICT resources include: a) Non-School Related uses b) Misuse of Passwords/Unauthorized access c) Malicious Use/Vandalism d) None of the above e) All of the above
Acceptable Use Policy AUP Question 12 - Circumventing Safety Measures is considered an unacceptable use of the ICT resources. What does it mean? To find a way around to access a website or content that is blocked. To not take safety measures when being online (i.e. give out your personal information out). To bring your own safety software.
Acceptable Use Policy AUP 3. Cyber-bullying and consequences Question13 - Cyber-bullying is prohibited: A) Only in school, during and after school hours, at home and in locations outside of the home through the use of technology owned, used, or leased by Lincoln Public Schools. Students involved in cyber-bullying will be subject to disciplinary actions. B) Only when it happens at non-school related locations through the use of technology not owned by LPS if it disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school or creates a hostile environment for the victim. Students involved in cyber-bullying will be subject to disciplinary actions. Cyber-bullying is prohibited in both cases. Students involved in cyber-bullying will be subject to disciplinary actions.
Acceptable Use Policy AUP Social Media Question 14 - Which of the following statements is true? Students’ behaviors and actions online don’t reflect upon themselves, they reflect only upon the school district, therefore they can behave any way they want when they are online. Students must behave in an ethical, respectful, responsible, safe, and legal manner because their actions reflect on themselves and on the district as a whole.
Acceptable Use Policy AUP Failure to comply with these rules may result in loss of ICT resource access privileges, disciplinary action, and/or legal action. Take the AUP Quiz. Go to m.socrative.com, enter your virtual room number and click “Join room” - ready to go in 10 seconds!
Picture Resources “Technology.” EuroTech Inc Digital Technologies for a Better World. 8/31/08. http://www.eurotechinc.com/EN/products.aspx?pg=PRODUCTS%20Wearable%20Computers&pc=318 “Computer class.” EAP2. 8/31/08. http://cesleap2.blogspot.com/2007/08/computers.html “Computer.” Jenkins Computer Service & Repair. 8/31/08. http://www.jenkinscomputers.com/Wdesign&host.htm “Form.” Welie.com Patterns in Interaction Design. 8/31/08. http://www.welie.com/patterns/showPattern.php?patternID=forms “Privacy.” Daily Speculations. 8/31/08. http://www.dailyspeculations.com/wordpress/?cat=11 “Money.” Dr. Vino. 8/31/08. http://www.drvino.com/?s=barolo