Paul Strand
Charles Sheeler
1920’s Experimentation: Dada A Young girl commits suicide. Because of What? DADA The spirits are telephoned. Who invented it? DADA Someone walks on your feet. It's DADA If you have serious ideas about life, If you make artistic discoveries and if all of a sudden your head begins to crackle with laughter, If you find all your ideas useless and ridiculous, know that IT IS DADA BEGINNING TO SPEAK TO YOU
Man Ray Hugo Ball Francis Picabia Marcel Duchamp DAdaDAdaDAdaDAda
SURREALISM Max Ernst Man Ray Salvador Dali Luis Bunuel & S. Dali Georgio De Cherico
James Joyce Virginia Woolf
Cubis m
Fernand Leger Three Women (Le Grand Déjeuner ) Hans Richter Rayogram (Man Ray)
Rhythmus 21 (Hans Richer, 1921) Ghosts Before Breakfast (Vormitagsspuk) (Hans Richer, 1928) Emak Bakia (Man Ray, 1926) Ballet Mechanique (Ferdnand Leger, 1924)
SURREALIST FILM Luis Bunuel & S. Dali Un Chien Andalou Germaine Dulac TheSeashell & the Clergyman Luis Bunuel & S. Dali L’Age D’Or
1920’s Experimentation