1 Week 10 Unit 5– Stress Matakuliah: G0682 / Bahasa Inggris Ekonomi 1 Tahun: 2005 Versi: versi/revisi
2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat Menerangkan kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan 'stress' Mahasiswa dapat menggunakan past simple dan present perfect dengan benar (C2)
3 Class Discussion 1.Goint to the dentist 2.Queueing in the supermarket 3.Being stuck in a traffic jam 4.Going to the hairdresser 5.Finding a place to park 6.Organising a (dinner) party 7.Having an interview 8.Making a speech 9.flying A. Which of these situations are the most stressful for you? Can you add any other?
4 Class Discussion 1.playing sport 2.reading 3.Eating/drinking 4.Having a bath 5.walking 6.Gardening A. What do you do to relax? Which of these activities are the most effective for you and why? In what other ways do you relax 7.massage 8.Shopping 9.Listening to music 10.Watching TV 11.Meditating 12.Surfing the Net
5 a)waste b)status c)a gap d)a problem e)a need f)time g)the environment Verb and Noun Combination 1.save 2.fill 3.meet 4.solve 5.protect 6.enhance 7.reduce Verbs Nouns B. Match the verbs and nouns below to make word partnership about the benefits customers get from great ideas?
6 Making a presentation to senior executives Leading a formal meeting Telephoning in English Writing a report with a tight deadline Negotiating a very valuable contract Meeting important visitors from abroad for the first time Asking your boss for a pay rise Dealing with a customer who has a major complaint. C. Rank these situations from 1 (most stressful) to 8 (least stressful). Then discuss your choices? Class Discussion
7 Reading: A Career Change
8 Reading: Comprehension Question
9 1.To stop doing an activity (paragrap 1.) 2.To achieve a dream (paragraph 1.) 3.Times when people do not usually work, for example the weekend or at night (paragraph 2). 4.To get better and better jobs in the same company (paragraph 3). 5.To do extra work outside the office (paragraph 4.) D. Find words and phrases in the article which mean:
10 Vocabulary
11 Language Review Past simple and present perfect
12 Language Review Past simple and present perfect
13 Language Review Past simple and present perfect
14 Additional Resources 1.Don’t Panic 2.Is stress damaging my heart. Read the following articles and consult your dictionary for difficult words. Give your comment regarding 10 tips given by article 1.