Research Paper Applied English 4B Group1 Venus 鐘小萍 A Grace 黃聿香 A
FAQ How can I make writing a research paper more enjoyable? See 1a Why format is so important? See 1c What does a first draft look like? See 1f What is the difference between the report paper and the thesis paper? See 1e How can I avoid being late with my paper? See 1g
1.Why are research papers assigned, anyway? See 1d
1a Fear of the research paper subject you love-writing the paper a breeze. subject you hate-writing the paper will be a chore. Because you know the topic intimately, you no doubt could write scads about it.
1b Definition of the research paper Research comes from the Middle French word rechercher, meaning “to seek out.” You need: seek out information take a stand on it back it up with the opinions, ideas, and views of others. What results is a printed paper variously known as a term paper or library paper. 5-10pages long ( present your views and findings on the chosen subject.)
1c Format of the research paper MLA-Modern Language Association (a society of language scholars) APA-American Psychological Association (a society of scientific scholars) CBE-Council of Biology CMS-Chicago Manual of Style
The format governs the entire paper, from the placement of the title, to the width of the margins, to the notation used in acknowledging material from other sources. Format-the way of doing things-like etiquette, table manners, or rules of the road.
1d Reasons for the research paper teaches you lots about your subject. 2.teaches you the conventions of scholarly writing, among them accepted styles of documentation and the ethics of research. 3.become familiar with the library through the “learn by doing” method. Even the simplest is an storehouse of information, bristling with indexs, encyclopedias, and abstracts.
how to track down information how to organize how to use the Internet in your research how to discriminate between useless and useful opinions how to summarize how to budget your time how to conceive of and manage a research project from start to finish.
1e The report paper and the thesis paper Report paper- summarizes and reports your findings on a particular subject. (Neither judge nor evaluate the findings; simply relate them in a logical sequence) A paper that chronologically narrates the final days of Hitler.
Thesis paper- takes a definite stand on an issue. A thesis is a proposition or point of view that you are willing to argue against or defend. A paper that argues for the continued legalization of abortion.
EX Report paper: How the Beatles got started as a rock group. Thesis paper: The Beatles’ lyrics gave hope to a disenchanted youth during the 1960s and 1970s.
Report paper: A summary of the theories of hypnosis. Thesis paper: Hypnosis is simply another form of Pavlovian conditioning.
Report paper: The steps involved in passage of federal legislation. Thesis paper: Lobbyists wield disproportionate influence on federal legislation.
Writing a thesis paper requires you to exercise judgment, evaluate evidence, and construct a logical argument, writing a report paper does not.
1f. Drafts of the research paper 3 drafts at least recursive: try to use the most suitable words to express the meaning on the paper Tip: start working on the paper as soon as it is assigned 1st draft: looks messy and scribbled over 2nd draft: fewer and smaller changes
3rd and final draft is the one you feel satisfied
1g. Writing the research paper: steps and schedule 7 distinct steps (at least 5 hand-ins of 5 weeks) 1. Two acceptable topics, choose one 2. Scanning and reading sources 3. assemble information 4. draft thesis statement to express major idea 5.outline your major parts
6.acknowledge all borrowed ideas, data, and opinions. 7. with bibliography listing all sources used in paper