Art Worlds and Social Types By Howard S. Becker
Art Worlds Result of coordinated activities Coordination of activities are in reference to a body of conventional understandings Do not define art first Mutual appreciation and social value
Types of Artists Integrated Professions Mavericks Naïve Artists Folk Artists
Integrated Professionals Every cooperating person has been trained Large and responsive audience Fully prepared and capable of producing the art work Stays within respectable boundaries
Maverick Artists Have found conventional art world too constraining Do not remove all conventions from their art Force recognition and adoption of their practices from the conventional art world Demands more work from the audience
Naïve Artists No connection with art world at all Created forms and genres because they never acquired training or habits of professional artists Made without reference to contemporary conventions
Folk Artists No real art community exists Not acknowledged as art Well integrated Conventions of their art are well known and easily made Basis of collective action
Conclusion People can be oriented to any kind of social world Four types of artists mirrors society at large The art world is constantly changing
Critique Can artists be so easily organized? (Ex. The Shaggs) Double-crosses his definitions (Ex. Folk artists)