Variability of Be Stars: A Key to the Structure of their Circumstellar Environments Anatoly Miroshnichenko University of Toledo Variable Star Meeting BGSU, April 3
In Collaboration with Karen Bjorkman Jon Bjorkman Alex Carciofi University of Toledo
Outline Brief history of studies of Be stars Basic properties of Be stars Variations of the spectrum and brightness How can we use the variability to get the physics? Current state of the research
Classical Be Stars First discovered group of emission-line stars Emission lines in the spectrum of Cassiopeae were found in 1867 by visual spectroscopy ~200 Be stars are currently known among 1660 B-type stars brighter than V=6.5 mag
Main properties of classical Be stars Non-luminous rapidly-rotating objects displaying emission-line spectra Emission line profile shapes are usually double- or single-peaked at a low or moderate spectral resolution Infrared (IR) radiation excesses Polarization of the continuum radiation Active emission-line phases may last for decades and are followed by no-emission or shell-line phases Metallic line profiles (e.g., Fe II) suggest that the circumstellar gas is involved in a Keplerian motion around the star with small radial velocities (a few km s -1 )
Basic Stellar Parameters
Some H profiles
IR Excess Aqr
Polarization Tau
Circumstellar Disks
Origin of the Observed Features Line emission – ionized circumstellar gas IR excess – free-free emission Polarization – Thomson scattering The polarization spectrum and spectral line profiles imply a flattened, disk-like, envelope
Theories of the Be phenomenon Elliptical disk model (Struve 1931, ApJ, 73, 94) - Keplerian rotation of particles in a circumstellar disk. No explanation for the disk long-term stability. Rotation-pulsation model - changing inflow and outflow superposed onto the rotational motion in the disk. Variable stellar wind as triggering mechanism for the V/R variations (Doazan et al. 1987, A&A, 182, L25). No explanation for the disk formation.
Theories of the Be phenomenon A disk can be produced by mass transfer in binary systems (Kriz & Harmanec 1975, BAICz, 26, 65), where the mass gainer spins-up to critical rotation. Can explain formation of % of all Be stars (Pols et al. 1991, A&A, 241, 419) or even less (~5%, Van Bever & Vanbeveren (1997, A&A, 322, 116). Wind-compressed disk model (Bjorkman & Cassinelli 1993, ApJ, 409, 429) - a rotating wind produces a disk. Assumption: the outward acceleration is smaller than the rotation the material will orbit down to the equator before it is accelerated outwards. But: small non-radial forces act against disk formation.
Theories of the Be phenomenon Non-Radial Pulsations may be a triggering mechanism for the mass loss from at least early-type Be stars (Rivinius et al. 2003, A&A, 411, 229)
Modeling the Be Star Disks Input parameters: 1. Stellar (T eff, log g, L) 2. Circumstellar: 0,T e (r), geometry, density distribution ( = 0 r -n ) Observational data: 1. Spectral energy distribution 2. Spectral line profiles 3. Polarization spectrum
Typical Modeling Results Disk opening angle - a few degrees Statistical studies suggest opening angles from 5 to degrees Density at the disk base - ~ g cm -3 Density distribution slope
Theoretical Disk Structure from Carciofi & Bjorkman (2004, Polariz. Conf.)
Modeling Results for Tauri from Carciofi & Bjorkman (2004, Polariz. Conf.)
Problems with Snapshot Modeling Theoretical (simplified assumptions): Smooth density distribution Uncertain disk size Parameter space degeneracy ( 0 – disk scale height) Observational: Non-contemporaneous data Limited spectral range
Line Strength Variations
Complex Profiles Oph
Aquarii: H Variations
What can We Get from Variability? Reveal the true basic stellar parameters and content of the system Determine the circumstellar contribution to the continuum Learn about the mass loss history and mass distribution in the disk
Be star spectroscopy at the Ritter Observatory 9 non-overlapping orders, 70 Å each, range Å. Includes spectral lines of FeII 5317 & 6383, HeI 5876, NaI 5889 & 5895, SiII 6347 & 6371, and H Spectral resolving power R ( / ) ~ meter telescope with a fiberfed echelle spectrograph and a 1150x1150-pixel CCD in the Coude focus Spectra of stars brighter than 7.5 mag can be obtained in 1 hour with a signal-to-noise ratio of ~100 ~1700 spectra of ~ 45 Be stars obtained in
Ritter data statistics (as of 2004/03/26) Name Tot Cas Lyr Dra Tau Aqr Sco And CrB Per CMi Total
Some results from Ritter program Discovery of 2 new Be stars, HD 4881 (V=6.2, B9 V) and HD 5839 (V=6.7, B9 V) (Miroshnichenko et al. 1999, MNRAS, 302, 612). Periodic RV variations (84.3 d) of the emission peak and absorption wings of the H profile in Aquarii are discovered during the normal B-star phase (Bjorkman et al. 2002, ApJ, 573, 812). New orbital solution for the Scorpii binary and monitoring of the initial disk formation stages (Miroshnichenko et al. 2001, A&A, 377, 485; 2003, A&A, 408, 305). Periodic RV variations (205 d) in the H line of Cassiopeae (Miroshnichenko, Bjorkman, Krugov 2002, PASP, 114, 1226).
Conclusions Such observations give us information about: - the disk structure - the system content and fundamental parameters - the mass loss origin and evolutionary state Long-term multi-wavelength and multi-technique observational studies are needed Most of the needed observations can be obtained with relatively small telescopes