The Devil
Objective: To explore a response or solution to the problem of evil. Outcome To see how the Devil can be a solution to the problem of evil.
Who or what is a devil in your life?
temptation The Devil is often represented by temptation. Giving into temptation is a human weakness and can by some to be considered to be a sin. On some occasions giving into temptations, such as drugs and alcohol do cause people to sin.
Think and answer When have you been tempted in your life? What has this led to you doing? Why do you think temptation is seen to be such a bad thing in Christianity?
Quote “the devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world … So if you worship me it will be yours. “Jesus answered, ‘it is written: “Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.”’ (Luke 4:8) Q – what do these quotes imply about the problem of evil?
Biblical Views In the Bible the devil is represented by temptation. The first example is in Genesis when the devil tempts eve to eat the fruit. The second is when Jesus is tempted in the desert, to use miracles to prove he is the Son of God. In the garden of Gethsemany when Jesus shows weakness, it is said the devil was lurking around.
Good vs Evil
Some Christians believe there is evil in the world because of the Devil, who is also known as Satan. The Devil is seen to be the enemy of God who rules in hell and tries to get humanity to turn away from God. In Christian doctrine the devil was an Angel, who was created good but wanted to be as powerful and decided to fight against God.
Christians believe it is because of the power of the devil that people chose to do wrong. And when suffering occurs it can be blamed on the devil. Not all Christians believe the devil is actually a person, it is just a symbolic way of describing emotions such as temptation and greed, which can cause us to sin.
Task Explain Christian beliefs about the Devil. How can the devil solve the problem of evil for some Christians? Do you think the idea of a Devil, or the symbolic version of the devil being human weakness and ability to give into temptation? Explain your answer.