Injuries of Knee LigamentousCartilageBone
Arthroscopy Diagnostic and Therapeutic tool
Arthrocentesis Drainage and irrigation of knee using arthroscope. PUS OR BLOOD
Evaluation of Patient with Knee Injury HISTORY: HISTORY: Mechanics of injury. Details. Subsquent symptoms: Pain. Swelling (Immediate or Delayed) Clicking, Giving way/instability. Stairs, Kneeling for prayer.
Meniscal Injuries
Meniscal tears
Physical signs Effusion: Look:- Obliteration of para patella fossae. Stroke test/ Cross fluctuation/Patella tap. Feel: Tenderness. McMurray ’ s test. Ligamentous stability. Move: ROM
Investigations XrayMRIArthroscopy
Arthroscopy of Knee
Anterior Cruciate Ligament injury
ACL Repair Technique
Ligament Injuries of Knee Cruciate Ligaments Collateral Ligaments
Principles of Treatment Partial tears: Sometimes amenable to conservative treatment: Braces and Physiotherapy. Complete Tears : Surgical repair and Physiotherapy.
Ligaments of Ankle Deltoid Ligament : Medial Side
Lateral Ligament of Ankle