THE LOGIC OF NBIC If the Cognitive Scientists can think it, the Nano people can build it, the Bio people can implement it, and the IT people can monitor and control it.
FROM 19 TH TO 21 ST CENTURY Saint-Simon Roco-Bainbridge Social science Cognitive science Carceral institutions Nanotechnology Medicine Biotechnology Vital Statistics Information technology
SHIFT OF FOCUS From institution to individual From external to internal environment More intensive interventions More extensive data gathering
SIX CONVERGING TECHNOLOGIES AGENDAS: NORMATIVE FUTURES FOR HUMANITY ENHANCE: NSF/EU More productive normal lifespans PROLONG: Reverse age-related disintegration immortalism TRANSCEND: Natural Artificial Selection (J. Huxley) TRANSLATE: Resurrection, Second Self, Kurzweil INCORPORATE: Universitas, Extended Phenotype, Supersized Mind, Systems Architecture TEST: Risk-taking protected by social insurance