Homework 10 for 3/29/ Explorations Evaluate: Write an explanation of magnetism as you would present it to a child in your chosen grade level. Specify the grade level. 2. Pre-Instructional Survey 3 (see web page for link Wednesday evening).
Inquiry Project 1. If you haven’t already, hand in your ranked choices for the inquiry project with each partner’s name. 2. On April 19, 2007 you and your partner will present the results of your inquiry in a poster session that will be graded following the rubric handed out last Tuesday.
An electric current A. never causes a compass to turn. B. always causes a compass to turn. C. sometimes causes a compass to turn. Explorations Explain
If the compass is perpendicular to the wire, it is already lined up with the magnetic field produced by the wire and the needle won’t rotate. If the compass is at another angle, the needle will rotate to line up with the magnetic field created by the current in the wire.
When you magnetized the pin or the bar you were aligning the magnetism of A. the nuclei of the iron atoms. B. the iron atoms. C. molecules of iron. D. clusters of many iron atoms. Explorations Explain
As a magnetic material like iron is exposed to an external magnetic field, the magnetic domains (10 17 – atoms) aligned with the magnetic field grow and the other domains don’t. Eventually, most of the domains are larger and the magnetic field in the larger domains is aligned with the external magnetic field that is magnetizing the iron.
As you get further from the magnet, the magnetic force A. gets weaker. B. stays the same. C. gets stronger. D. reverses direction. Explorations Explain
The magnetic force weakens as you get further away form the source of the magnetic force. The paper clip should have dropped when you moved the magnet further away. This same weakening with distance occurs with the gravitational and electric forces. rubber band gravity magnet
If we say the north pole of a compass points North, then we must say the south magnetic pole of the Earth is A. near the south pole. B. near the north pole. C. near the equator. Explorations Extend
Can a magnet attract a dollar bill? A. Yes B. No C. Are you kidding? Explorations Extend
Clicker Answers 1.Slide 3: C 2.Slide 5: D 3.Slide 7: A 4.Slide 9: B 5.Slide 10: A