Dairy Foods, Calcium Intake, and Colorectal Cancer : A Pooled Analysis of Cohort Studies Eunyoung Cho, ScD Channing Laboratory Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School For the Pooling Project of Prospective Studies of Diet and Cancer Investigators
Sweden Mammography Cohort Nurses’ Health Study Netherlands Cohort Study New York State Cohort Iowa Women’s Health Study Canadian National Breast Screening Study Cohort Studies in the Pooling Project of Prospective Studies of Diet and Cancer Alpha-Tocopherol Beta- Carotene Cancer Prevention Study New York University Women’s Health Study Health Professionals Follow- up Study Adventist Health Study
Dairy foods and Calcium Intake: Intake Distribution (Mean and SD) StudyMilk (g/d)Cheese (g/d)Yogurt (g/d)Total calcium (mg/d) Adventist-F384 (335)8 (8)-890 (141) Adventist-M408 (338)9 (9)-1098 (140) ATBC564 (373)25 (28)14 (37)1052 (314) Canada201 (203)21 (24)30 (63)683 (257) HPFS219 (251)11 (13)20 (51)940 (446) Iowa275 (266)11 (13)11 (38)1044 (494) Netherlands-F132 (128)23 (18)53 (57)- Netherlands-M161 (161)23 (19)42 (56)- New York State-F138 (87)--- New York State-M139 (85)--- NYU203 (241)17 (11)38 (61)- Nurses (a)215 (242)14 (15)22 (55)732 (315) Nurses (b)222 (230)13 (13)27 (55)1082 (507) Sweden156 (130)27 (19)104 (108)-
Milk Intake and Colorectal Cancer : Results Intake category (g/d)P for trend P for hetero* <7070-< < N1,3671,0651,3601,154 Age-adjusted ( ) < Multivariate ( ) < glass of milk = 245 g * P for heterogeneity for top vs. bottom categories
Milk Intake and Colorectal Cancer : Study-specific Results for Each 500 g/d Increase in Milk Intake
Milk Intake and Colorectal Cancer : by Subsite of Large Bowel P for difference=0.03
Cheese and Yogurt Intake and Colorectal Cancer : Results Intake categoryP for trend P for hetero* 1 (low)234 (high) Cheese ( ) Yogurt ( ) * P for heterogeneity for top vs. bottom categories
Calcium Intake and Colorectal Cancer : Results Intake quintileP for trend P for hetero* Calcium from food ( ) Total calcium ( ) < * P for heterogeneity for top vs. bottom quintiles
Total Calcium Intake and Colorectal Cancer : Nonparamateric regression
Total Calcium Intake and Colorectal Cancer: by Subsite P for difference = 0.02