Database for Calculation of Phase Equilibria in Systems for Lead-Free Solders Aleš Kroupa 1, Jiří Vízdal 1,2, Adéla Zemanová 2, Jan Vřešťál 2 1 Institute of Physics of Materials Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic Žižkova 22, Brno, Czech Republic 2 Institute of Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Kotlářská 2, CZ Brno, Czech Republic
Thermodynamic modelling of phase equilibria in systems for perspective lead-free solders represents first necessary step for development of new lead- free soldering materials being the basis for estimation of surface tension and viscosity of this materials and the starting point in evaluation of interaction between solder material and substrate. Database created in this work in the Thermo-Calc database format based on SGTE G-values for pure elements represents reliable consistent base for further tests and extension. Database contains data for phase equilibria of metals Ag, Bi, In, Pd, Sb, Sn and Zn in 17 binary systems: Ag-In, Ag-Bi, Ag-Sb, Ag-Sn, Ag-Pd, Ag-Zn, Bi-Sn, Bi-Sb, Bi-In, Bi-Zn, In-Sb, In-Sn, In-Zn, Sn-Sb, Sn-Zn, Pd-Sn, Pd-In and in 4 ternary systems: Ag-Sn-Bi, In-Sn-Zn, Bi-Sn-Zn, Bi-In-Sb. Binary systems (Bi-Pd, Pd-Zn, Zn-Sb, Pd-Sb) are not included because for these binary systems no thermodynamic parameters are available. For ternary system Ag-In-Pd, the ternary phase data and thermodynamic assessment do not exists. The experimental work is in progress in Univesität Wien (prof. Ipser) and relevant thermodynamic assessment will be carried out. Similarly, Ag-In-Sb system is currently studied in GP8 of COST 531(prof. Fitzner). Ternary systems Ag-In-Sn and Ag-Sn-Sb will be reoptimized for discrepancies in thermodynamic data for binary system Ag-Sn. This work is supported by the COST projects Nos. OC and OC of Ministry of Education of Czech Republic
Phase diagram Bi-Zn (calculated according to [1])Phase diagram Bi-Sn
The In-Sn-Zn system was studied by two authors [14,15] and slightly different results were obtained. It is difficult to decide, which assessment is better, as different regions are approximated with different success (see liquid and eutectic temperature in Figs. above) This will be subject of further study
This ternary system is currently main subject of our interest, as no ternary phase data and thermodynamic assessment exist. The experimental work is under progress at Univesität Wien (prof. Ipser) and relevant assessment will be carried out in dependence on available data