Square wave Fourier Analysis
+ + =
Adding sines with multiple frequencies we can reproduce ANY shape
Joseph Fourier ( )
ANY periodic function fundamental 1 st harmonic 2 nd harmonic integer multiples of fundamental frequency
A i and f i wave shape timbre
Ohm’s law We ( pretty much ) can’t hear the phases
A i timbre A i timbre but not i
Fourier spectrum same information (except the phases) f A
Examples of Fourier spectra
Clarinet now
It is now a great time to read chapter 4 of Berg & Stork
Roughly … Amplitude Loudness Frequency Pitch Wave shape Timbre
But … Tone quality other things contributing to timbre besides the waveform of the steady tone other things contributing to timbre besides the waveform of the steady tone
Roughly … Amplitude Loudness Frequency Pitch Wave shape Timbre
It is the wave shape of the whole sound that matters, not only of the “steady state” Regarding timbre …
Attack and decay transients
Spectrum decay
Inharmonicities higher harmonics slightly off the integer x f value
Vibrato Tremolo oscillation in frequency oscillation in amplitude
Chorus effect [let us all sing together]
Some real examples but first, spectrographs