UNESCO/IHE Delft/Ministry of Water Resources China, Global Runoff Data Centre...facilitator of data exchange between data providers and data users 1 1 3rd Session of the GTN-H Panel, 17 – 19 September 2007, Koblenz, Pristine Basins 1 GRDC Ulrich Looser 3rd Session of the GTN-H Panel Reference Hydrological Dataset Pristine Basins
UNESCO/IHE Delft/Ministry of Water Resources China, Global Runoff Data Centre...facilitator of data exchange between data providers and data users 2 2 3rd Session of the GTN-H Panel, 17 – 19 September 2007, Koblenz, Pristine Basins 2 23 Countries replying to the June 2006 WMO request
UNESCO/IHE Delft/Ministry of Water Resources China, Global Runoff Data Centre...facilitator of data exchange between data providers and data users 3 3 3rd Session of the GTN-H Panel, 17 – 19 September 2007, Koblenz, Pristine Basins 3 Replies received to date: CountryNumber of Stations CountryNumber of Stations Byelarus 10Canada229 China15Cyprus4 Czech Republic6Ecuador6 Finland12Georgia8 Kenya60Kyrgyzstan7 Lithuania7Mauritius2 Marocco12Pakistan6 Romania23Slovakia20 Switzerland8Tajikistan23 Ukraine3USA1703 Usbekistan6Western Samoa2 BruneiNo suitable stations TOTAL2172
UNESCO/IHE Delft/Ministry of Water Resources China, Global Runoff Data Centre...facilitator of data exchange between data providers and data users 4 4 3rd Session of the GTN-H Panel, 17 – 19 September 2007, Koblenz, Pristine Basins 4 Available Information: MetadataInfo available: Number of Stations Info not available: Number of Stations River name (1703 River names part of station name) Station Name21639 Drainage Basin Size Coordinates1981 (Coordinates for 47 stations determined by GRDC) 191 Record length Discharge data152157
UNESCO/IHE Delft/Ministry of Water Resources China, Global Runoff Data Centre...facilitator of data exchange between data providers and data users 5 5 3rd Session of the GTN-H Panel, 17 – 19 September 2007, Koblenz, Pristine Basins 5 Pristine Basins: Future Perspective Next steps:….? Thank you for your interest: Ulrich Looser Please visit: GRDC at