Team Hybrid Hoyt MemberSubsystem Sean Frost Electric motor, motor controller, charge controller, charge accumulators Dan Farley Hydraulics system: Pumps, motors, valves, accumulators John HoytInternal Combustion Engine: Sensors, design of clutches for ICE and electric motor
Background Information Hoyt Conventional drive train- torque is applied from an internal combustion engine Hybrid vehicle drive train- An electric motor and/or an internal combustion engine can apply torque to the drive wheels ICE Axle Assembly Power Split Device ICE Generator Electric Motor Axle Assembly Battery Bank Generator Electric Motor Axle Assembly ICE ConventionalHybrid- ParallelHybrid- Series
Problem Statement: Vermont Technical College would like to compete in the Dartmouth Thayer School of Engineering Formula One Hybrid Racing Competition, but we do not currently have a vehicle that meets the specifications. Farley
Solution Statement: To develop and demonstrate a hybrid propulsion system which meets the following requirements 1. Comprises both an internal combustion engine (ICE) and an electrical storage unit with electric drive 2. The system shall meet all electrical specifications and requirements for the 2007 Dartmouth Thayer School of Engineering Formula One Racing Competition. 3. The drive system may deploy the ICE and electric motor(s) in any configuration including series and parallel. 4. Final design will allow the drive train system to be adapted to a chassis developed in a separate effort. Farley
Competition Overview There are three events in the competition: Acceleration- teams compete for best time over a 75m sprint Autocross- teams test car’s agility and performance in hill climbing, acceleration, cornering, stability, etc. Efficiency- teams compete to maximize fuel efficiency while driving a set distance A three position selector switch will maximize performance and/or efficiency for each event Farley
Frost Hybrid Propulsion System Overview Low Pressure Feedback Battery Bank ICE Generator Electric Motor Power Split Device Axle Assembly Accumulator V+ Hydraulic Pumps 4 port, 2 way valve Check valves The rotational input from both the electric motor and ICE will drive hydraulic pumps to pressurize the accumulator. The hydraulic pressure will act on hydraulic motors positioned at the drive wheels to power the vehicle. Regenerative braking will allow the hydraulic motors to pressurize fluid back into the accumulator for future use. Hydraulic Motors Accumulator
Frost Generator Electric Motor FB1-4001A V VDC Belt connection To the ICE Raptor 1200 Motor Controller Manzanita Micro PFC-20 charge controller Electrical charge accumulator Electrical Motor/Generator & Controllers Subsystem (Control Sub-System) Hydraulic Pump Frost
Hoyt Generator FB1-4001A #1 Belt connection To the ICE Hydraulic Pump ICE Internal Combustion and Clutch/Pump Subsystem (Hydraulic Drive Sub-System) Electric Clutch V+ Electric Clutch Clutch Control Signal FB1-4001A #2 Hydraulic Pump Battery Bank
Accumulator 2 4 Port, 2 Way Electronically Controlled Valve Hydraulic Pump Accumulator 1 Reservoir ICE Input Check Valve 4 Port, 2 Way Electronically Controlled Valve Electronically Controlled Flow Valve Hydraulic Motor Hydraulic Subsystem Overview (Hydraulic Driven Sub-System) Farley Electric Motor Input
Accumulator 1 Reservoir Electric Motor Input ICE Input Check Valve 4 Port, 2 Way Electronically Controlled Valve Electronically Controlled Flow Valve Accumulator 2 4 Port, 2 Way Electronically Controlled Valve Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Motor Hydraulic Subsystem Overview (Regenerative Braking Sub-System) Farley
Modes of Operation Standby OFF Full Acceleration ICE Elec. motor Accumulator Tire ICE Elec. motor Accumulator Tire Efficiency ICE Elec. motor Accumulator Tire Regular Drive Pressure (energy) Pressure (energy) Pressure (energy) INPUTS -Shutoff switch -Battery Voltage -Motor Speeds -Fuel Supply -Mode selector -Brake switch -TPS -Regen. Braking switch µ- Controller OUTPUTS -Throttle actuated sol. -Hydraulic flow valves -Regen. Braking Assembly -Electric Motor speed State Machine Frost
Control System Output Description S0- Efficiency Default S1- ICE Control S2- Electric Motor Feedback S3- Drive Valve S4- ICE Feedback S5- Generator Clutch S6- Electric Motor Control S7- ICE-Hydraulic Pump Clutch S8- Generator-Battery Relay S9- N.O. Electric Relay S10- ICE Shutoff S11- Regenerative Valve S12- Regenerative Motor Clutch Acceleration Efficiency Regen. Braking Regen. Drive Regular Drive Standby HC08 Sensor Inputs Farley
Control System S4 S2 S6 * 100 S0 S1∑ * ∑ * S5 * Throttle Request S0- Efficiency Default S1- ICE Control S2- Electric Motor Feedback S3- Drive Valve S4- ICE Feedback S5- Generator Clutch S6- Electric Motor Control Frost Microcontroller Outputs *
System Component Performance Curves Electric Motor/Generator Internal Combustion Engine Frost
VisSim System Simulation Frost
Refined The current ICE power output would need to be upgraded by 6 to 7 times to meet the load requirements of the System. The electronic generator would marginally fall short at certain operating conditions (i.e. full acceleration mode). Determined the available sum of torques between the motors which was used to perform calculations to select the hydraulic components. Frost
Hoyt Team Hybrid Budget to date April. 17th
Proof of Concept Due to cost and time limitations, two prototype subsystems were developed: Power coupling and control of the ICE, electric motor, electronic clutches Pneumatic model actuated by microcontroller which demonstrates drive mode and regenerative braking Hoyt
Proof of Concept – System I Power Coupling Hoyt ICE Electric motor Clutch Assembly Battery Differential Generator/Alternator A parallel hybrid system allows the internal combustion engine and electric motor to operate independently or simultaneously. This prototype portrays the combination of power from the two motors and switches between series and parallel operating modes. This prototype will be used to test our motor control software in varying operating conditions.
Proof of Concept – System II Hydraulic (pneumatic) Drive Concept Farley HC08 GasBrake Stepper Motor Pneumatic Motor Manifold Piston Team Hybrids’ particular design reveals a more unconventional method of regenerative braking. In order to effectively capture and distribute power, software has been developed for the system. This prototype was used to test the functionality and rationality of the software.
Summary Team Hybrid has designed a hybrid propulsion system that meets the required specifications for the Thayer School of Engineering Formula One Hybrid Competition. A hybrid drive control system was developed and is demonstrated in two prototype subsystems to illustrate regenerative braking, power coupling and control of the ICE and electric motor. Farley