Adjunct Academy presentation, part II: Eresources Prof. Monica Berger Oct. 27, 2006
Fee vs. Free To follow from any discussion of information literacy … Not everything on the WWW is free Not everything is on the WWW Most things on the WWW are not formally published but there is an increasing amount of published content. Some may be digitally- born.
Fee vs. Free To follow from any discussion of information literacy … What does “published” mean in the digital age: some or all of these apply: 1. Vetted and edited by experts, scholars, societies 2. Sold for money 3. Restricted because sold for money 4. Updated, maintained 5. A final version of the work 6. Doesn’t have to be available in paper
Fee vs. Free To follow from any discussion of information literacy … Accordingly, many things on the WWW are not vetted. But there is a constant increase of more and more quality, vetted information on the WWW
Fee vs. Free Most library resources are paid for and therefore are NOT on the WWW The Internet is the means to connect to library resources that sit behind a firewall Confusion with students in assignments about “don’t use a source from the Internet”
So what’s in the library? Traditional materials (covered by Anne) Lots of electronic materials available from campus or home Direct access via library website on campus (incl. Voorhees) Login from home with library barcode Alternate access via the CUNY Portal: not all City Tech electronic resources Alternate access via the CUNY Central Libraries page: not all City Tech electronic resources
So what’s in the library? Lots of electronic materials: around 100 databases and other eresources: Ejournal collections (typically a collection of electronic journals from one publisher) Aggregate databases (a mix of articles and other content from a very large number of publishers) Electronic reference materials, e.g. encyclopedias Other (ebooks, datasets, images, etc.)
Ejournal collections: Wiley Interscience Ejournal collections (typically a collection of electronic journals from one publisher): Wiley Interscience as an example Not every CUNY school gets this title. We pool about 200 titles among the CUNY schools that subscribe Not every Wiley journal or Wiley Interscience title is available Search or browse: let’s start with browse
Aggregate databases Ebsco databases are typical aggregate databases. They are largely periodical articles and are from many publishers. The content comes and goes = not stable in terms of specific periodical titles Let’s look at Education Full Text since it is more relevant than the Ebsco databases
Electronic reference materials Wiley Interscience has some good content Let’s look at Grove Art for some articles for architectural technology for background on a specific building, the Parthenon
What’s good on the WWW? Know your best source: use professional and accrediting organization websites as already listed by Adjunct Academy: surfing the web is incredibly hit-or-miss; maybe find an up-to- date pathfinderprofessional and accrediting organization websites Google Scholar Open access materials MIT Open Courseware/Merlot: identify outstanding courses
Google Scholar New search engine from Google for scholarly content. Not all is directly accessible: some is available via the library or ILL
Open Access A new model of scholarly publishing, originally based chiefly in STM (science, technology and medicine) but rapidly gaining in popularity Provides complete or partial access to content Preprints, postprints, current or back issues of journal
Finding OA journals Directory of Open Access Journals (all subjects) Directory of Open Access Journals HighWire Press (majority in science but social sciences too, Stanford U.) HighWire Press BioMedCentral (partner with PubMed, National Library of Medicine) BioMedCentral
Lesson plans and learning objects MERLOT offers discipline communitieshttp:// MIT OpenCourseWare Project