The Promotion Committee for the constitution of the ITALIAN Chapter 1 THE PROMOTION COMMITTEE for the constitution of the ITALIAN Chapter IAI ITM Meetings Tokyo Meeting Autodesk Offices - Tokyo Japan October 29, 2002 to October 30, 2002 IAI - INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR INTEROPERABILITY
The Promotion Committee for the constitution of the ITALIAN Chapter 2 ITALIAN Chapter? yes... not now …but at the end of 2003.
The Promotion Committee for the constitution of the ITALIAN Chapter 3 Why not now… but at the end of 2003? 1) …because are essential requirements well-established human and economic resources in order to honour typical commitments of an IAI Chapter
The Promotion Committee for the constitution of the ITALIAN Chapter 4 Why not now… but at the end of 2003? 2) …because the aim is dissemination activity and research and development activity
The Promotion Committee for the constitution of the ITALIAN Chapter 5 … in other words... …a pilot project development.
The Promotion Committee for the constitution of the ITALIAN Chapter 6 To achieve the aim 1/2 planning Workshops both about dates both about partners implementing the Web site of the Promotion Committee planning the presence of an IAI-IFC stand at the future building materials and software most relevant expositions (SAIE in Bologna and SMAU in Milano, October-November 2003)
The Promotion Committee for the constitution of the ITALIAN Chapter 7 To achieve the aim 2/2 getting in touch with software house in connection with MSc Thesis analysing the state of the art of IT in Italy translating into italian the educational CD “Optimiser et échanger son project CAO avec les IFC” issuing the experiment of an educational course
The Promotion Committee for the constitution of the ITALIAN Chapter 8 First results adherence of Departments of other Italian Universities (Ancona, Napoli, Padova, Trento, Venezia) organization of the first Workshop implementation of the Web site
The Promotion Committee for the constitution of the ITALIAN Chapter 9