Quick Check Questions 3.1 Business 43B 1. You need to reference cell Q57 in a formula. What is the absolute cell reference? What are the two mixed references? Absolute cell reference is $Q$57. Mixed cell references are $Q57 and Q$57. 2. Assume that cell R10 contains the formula =R1+R2. What formula is entered if this formula is copied and pasted into cell S20? =S11+S12 Business 43B
Quick Check Questions 3.1 (cont.) 3. Assume that cell T10 contains formula $T1+T$2. What formula is entered if this formula is copied to and pasted into cell U20? =$T11+U$2 4. Assume the cell V10 contains the formula =AVERAGE($U1:$U5). What formula is entered if this formula is copied and pasted into cell W20? =AVERAGE($U11:$U15) Business 43B
Quick Check Questions 3.1 (cont.) 5. What are optional arguments? What happens if you do not include an optional argument in a function? Optional arguments are not required in a function. If not included, Excel assumes a default value for the argument. 6. What function formula can you use to add the numbers in the range X1:X10? =SUM(X1:X10) Business 43B
Quick Check Questions 3.1 (cont.) 7. The range of a set of values is defined as the maximum value minus the minimum value. What formula with functions can you enter to calculate to calculate the range of values in Y1:Y10? =MAX(Y1:Y10)–MIN(Y1:Y10) 8. What formula with functions can you enter to calculate to calculate the ratio of the maximum value in the range Z1:Z10 to the minimum value? =MAX(Z1:Z10)/MIN(Z1:Z10) Business 43B