DataGrid WP6/CA CA Acceptance/Feature Matrices Trinity College Dublin (TCD) Brian Coghlan Paris MAR-2002
DataGrid WP6/CA Proposed Syntax Changes For Web Server and LDAP Server cert: For Web Server and LDAP Server cert:publication_frequency publication_latency[days] publication_latency[days] For Web Server and LDAP Server CRL : For Web Server and LDAP Server CRL :publication_frequency publication_frequency[days] publication_frequency[days] publication_latency[days] publication_validity[days]
Paris MAR-2002 DataGrid WP6/CA Proposed Syntax Changes For cert_issuance : For cert_issuance : identity_check = personal_contact | | phone where :operators = AND, OR precedence = (), AND, OR elements =personal_contact | | phone | contact_with_superior | public_directory_check | public_directory_check
Paris MAR-2002 DataGrid WP6/CA Scaling Let us consider: Scaling of Acceptance/Feature Matrix functionality Scaling of Acceptance/Feature Matrix functionality Let us NOT consider: Scaling of whole grid authentication scheme Scaling of whole grid authentication scheme
Paris MAR-2002 DataGrid WP6/CA Functionality The Acceptance Matrix will scale if : inspection is done by machines not people inspection is done by machines not people e.g. by evaluating CA feature matrix according to rule set not done yet scope is deliberately limited, e.g. to VOs scope is deliberately limited, e.g. to VOs not done yet The presentation software will scale if : it can be run from memory it can be run from memory not done yet, but is designed as just one source file it automatically adapts to addition/removal of CAs it automatically adapts to addition/removal of CAs already done
Paris MAR-2002 DataGrid WP6/CA Functionality The matrix admin will scale if : The matrix admin will scale if : each CA manages their own matrix info on site, each CA manages their own matrix info on site, with remote access by the software not done yet maybe should not be until methodology stabilizes a CA automatically gets out of the blacklist when a CA automatically gets out of the blacklist when they fix the problem as soon as next remote access to their matrix info not done yet
Paris MAR-2002 DataGrid WP6/CA Future Functionality Utilization by programs might be accommodated by : Utilization by programs might be accommodated by : use of RGMA/MDS/LDAP, both for remote matrix info use of RGMA/MDS/LDAP, both for remote matrix info access and for presenting matrix results Exceptional incidents might be accommodated by : Exceptional incidents might be accommodated by : continuing to support the current manual inspection, continuing to support the current manual inspection, both for CAs and for VOs Fault-tolerance might be accommodated by: Fault-tolerance might be accommodated by: using RGMA/MDS/LDAP replication [when available] using RGMA/MDS/LDAP replication [when available] Notification of changes to a CA might be accommodated by: Notification of changes to a CA might be accommodated by: [initially] [initially] notification by information system [when available] notification by information system [when available]
Paris MAR-2002 DataGrid WP6/CA THE END Acceptance/Feature Matrices