“In Him you have been made complete.” Col 2:10 Textual Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Colossians
Basic Outline – Opening greetings & admonitions 1:1-12 Description of the Christ in Whom every man can be “complete” 1:13 – 2:23 Instructions on how those “complete” in Christ are to live 3:1 – 4:6 Closing personal remarks 4:7-18 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 Saints are to “mortify” (consider dead) things that appeal to the flesh v. 5a Based on 2:20 and 3:1 Dead to sin…died & raised with Christ Putting off the old 3:5-11 Putting on the new 3:12-17 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 To “mortify” = to utterly slay w/o pity A decisive action (aorist tense) The only way to deny sinful things to have any control in our everyday lives Rom 13:11-14 Titus 2:11-12 It not just suppressing or controlling Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What are saints to “mortify?” v. 5b Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Immorality – Sexual sins; unlawful sexual behavior – Such will keep one from heaven Gal 5: Cor 6:9-10
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What are saints to “mortify?” v. 5b Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live – Any type of moral uncleanness – Lustful, wasteful living (sexual in nature) Rom 1:24 2 Cor 12:21 Gal 5:19 Impurity
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What are saints to “mortify?” v. 5b Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live – A depraved desire (sexual in nature) Rom 1:26 1 Thess 4:3-5 Passion
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What are saints to “mortify?” v. 5b Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live – An evil craving for something that is forbidden (sexual in nature) Evil desire
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What are saints to “mortify?” v. 5b Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live – A desire for more; avarice – To gain more Lk 12:15 – To keep more 2 Cor 9:5 Covetousness
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What are saints to “mortify?” v. 5b Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live – This is tantamount to idolatry – God is replaced with mammon Mt 6:19-24 Covetousness
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What else is to be “mortified?” vv. 8-9 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Anger – Settled or abiding temper – Usually from personal resentment – Usually re: getting a measure of revenge
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What else is to be “mortified?” vv. 8-9 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Wrath – Anger that has “boiled (bubbled) over” – Now in the form of rage Mt 2:16 Gal 5:20
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What else is to be “mortified?” vv. 8-9 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Malice – An ill-will with a desire to injure another – Fed from anger & wrath Titus 3:3
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What else is to be “mortified?” vv. 8-9 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Slander – Injurious speech – Aimed at ruining the good name of another – Could be gossip, lying, etc.
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What else is to be “mortified?” vv. 8-9 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Abusive speech – Filthy talk; foul speaking; low & obscene speaking – Cursing, euphemisms, etc.
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What else is to be “mortified?” vv. 8-9 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Lies – To show one’s self to be deceitful – To speak deliberate falsehoods Acts 5:3-4 Heb 6:18
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 Why are saints to “mortify?” vv. 6-7 God’s wrath will come upon such Rom 1:18 2:5-6, 8-9 In such conduct saints once walked, but not anymore 1:21 Eph 2:3 Such is no longer us 2 Cor 5:17 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What else must saints do? vv Saints must put off the old man and his sinful ways Those who are “complete in Christ” must also put on characteristics reflecting the new man v. 10a Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What else must saints do? vv We do this because we have been “chosen by God” v. 12a We are also “holy and beloved” 1 Pet 2:9-10 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What is to be “ put on?” vv Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live A heart of compassion – Tender mercies; pity; sympathy – Merciful actions toward others Heb 10:28
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What is to be “ put on?” vv Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Kindness – Moral goodness shown to others – Integrity; mildness; gentleness Eph 2:7
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What is to be “ put on?” vv Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Humility – A humble opinion of self – A deep sense of one’s moral littleness Phil 2:3
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What is to be “ put on?” vv Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Gentleness – Meekness; strength under control – Controlled energy (breaking in horses) – Cp. to statement re: Moses Num 12:3
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What is to be “ put on?” vv Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Patience – Longsuffering; ability to “suffer long” – Forbearance re: others whose actions you may need to forgive
“Twin Epistle” Comparison Col 3:13 Eph 4:32 …bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.
“Twin Epistle” Comparison Col 3:13 Eph 4:32 …bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What is to be “ put on?” vv Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Love – The highest of human attitudes & actions – It supplies the perfect bond of unity
“Twin Epistle” Comparison Col 3:14 Eph 4:2-3 And beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. …with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What is accomplished? vv. 10b-11 Putting off the old man & replacing him with the new man = the “renewal” alluded to earlier 3:2 Rom 12:2 A “renovation” of the way one acts and thinks Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What is accomplished? vv. 10b-11 Such a “renewal” is in accordance with becoming like the One who created us 1:16 Rom 8:29 Lk 6:40 The One in Whom we’re “complete” Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
“Twin Epistle” Comparison Col 3:10 Eph 4:23-24 …and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him. …and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.
“Twin Epistle” Comparison Col 3:10 Eph 4:23-24 …and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him. …and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Personal Conduct 3:5-17 What is to be appreciated? vv The Peace Of Christ It is to rule our hearts Phil 4:7 A “peace” that is only possible through Him Jn 14:27 Rom 5:1 Eph 2:14-18 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live