National flag
Coat of arms
Basic information People - 46, 063, 000 people Area - 505, 000 km² The capital city - Madrid Language - Spanish Currency - Euro Religion - Catholicism The King, the government and the parliament Palacio Real, Madrid
Climate Spanish climate is divided into four areas: Land near Meditteranean Sea – rainy spring and autumn, warm summer and cold winter Centre of peninsula – very cold winter, dry and hot summer North Atlantic waterside – sharp winter, cool summer Canary islands - warm and pleasant weather through the whole year Pyrenean peninsula The highest mountain - Pico de Teide - 3,718m
Madrid Madrid is the capital city of Spain In Madrid there live over 3 million people It lies in centre of the country The town is famous for its large streets, big squares and high skyscrapers We can find there Palacio Real (page 2) where the King lives Palacio Real is 10 times bigger than Buckingham Palace In Madrid there were born some famous persons: Filip III. Spanish, Elen Bourbon, Enrique Iglesias and so on Photography of Madrid
Barcelona The second biggest city in Spain (over 1.5 million inhabitants) People that live in Barcelona are mostly Spanish, Catalan and South-American The capital city of Catalonia Barcelona lies near Mediterranean Sea It was created as a colony during the reign of Romanian emperor, August In 1992 Barcelona hosted Olympic games There are many old buildings and monuments: for example Sagrada Familia, park Grüell and square Plaça del Rei Football stadion, Barcelona
Nation Habits Bullfighting We can also say Corrida The goal is to agonize a bull to death Because of bullfighting, around 10,000 bulls die per year Animal protectors want to make bullfighting forbidden Flamenco Flamenco is a famous Spanish dancing style It connects Spanish, Romany and Arabic culture Flamenco is very lively, as well as fire; because of this characteristic colour is red
Art Pablo Picasso Artist and sculptor Lived in years 1881 – 1973 His full name is Pablo Diego José Santiago Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispín Crispiniano de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz Blasco y Picasso López He drew 150,000 pictures Salvador Dali Surrealistic artist 1904 – 1989 In Figueres there is Dali‘s Museum of Art Guernica Salvador Dali – Meditative Rose
National Food Gazpacho Cold soup made of mixed tomatoes, garlic, onion and other vegetables Most eaten in hot areas The most famous Spanish food Croceated risotto of yellow colour Potato omelette with eggs and onion Small tree with fruits Tortilla de patatas Medlar Paella
Sports Football Another famous footbal team, Football Club Barcelona has been known since 1889 They also compete in Premiera División Tennis Rafael Nadal is one of the most succesful tenis-players in the world In 2010 he was the best tennis-player in the whole world Rafael Nadal Famous football team Real Madrid is the most famous and the most succesful team in the whole world RM was created in 1905 and since then it has won 120 trophies
Resources Information from: Pictures from: Information were gathered by Barbora Bučková, Silvie Bahnerová and Eliška Galiová (Kvarta 2010/2011). The presentation was made by Barbora Bučková. It was made on 28 th of March This presentation may not be used for any purpose without my written permission. Copyright 2011 Barbora Bučková THE END