Learning English at Bishop Walsh Primary School 華德學校
英文科發展目標 1.Enhance pupils ’ learning ability through cooperative learning and reading. 2.Develop creativity so as to extend pupils ’ learning potential.
Strategies 1.Cooperative learning activities will be carried out in each unit. 2.Five minutes reading - At the beginning of each lesson, teachers read books with the class to develop their habit in reading English books. 3.Slogan Competition Pupils design a slogan about how to promote speaking English at school.
Components of English Lessons Reader English Textbook Reading Lessons for J.1-J.3 Writing Lessons for J.1-J.6 Online Platforms: PEP Reading A-Z
Online Platform – Reading A to Z
本校去年獲教育局 撥款 $500,000 發展本校英文科 “English Enhancement Grant Scheme (EEGS) 華德學校
English Enhancement Grant Scheme (EEGS) There are 3 parts: 1. Writing Programme 2. Progressive English Enrichment Programme (PEP) 3. Storybooks Reading Scheme
Writing Programme for J.1- J.6 -A lesson a week -Net Teacher, Mr Simon and the English Teacher -Work on writing
English Progressive Enhancement Programme(PEP) For J.1- J.6 - An online platform -Match with the textbook, Magic -Extra vocabulary items -Grammar Exercises -Access at home (self- learning)
Online Platform-PEP
Storybooks Reading Scheme for J.1- J online storybooks -Exercises related to different stories -Audio and visual
J.1-J.3 PLPR Lessons -Mrs Nicholson -2 Lessons a week -Guided Reading -Shared Reading -Independent Reading -English Games
英語話劇欣賞 英語早會 兩文三語嘉年華 英詩集誦 英語話劇 Fun at Lunch Weather Forecast Read a Passage a Day 正規課程以外英文活動包括:
英文科課程設計包含 : 聽 說 讀 寫
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