Types of fresh water-created patches Rarely covered by water: Rarely covered by water: River floodplains- aka riparian zone River floodplains- aka riparian zone Vernal pools- temporary ponds, filled seasonally Vernal pools- temporary ponds, filled seasonally Usually covered by fresh water, soil saturate: Usually covered by fresh water, soil saturate: Wetlands generally Wetlands generally Swamps- dominated by trees Swamps- dominated by trees Marshes- relatively open, with only low growing plants Marshes- relatively open, with only low growing plants Bogs- An acidic wetland with lots of peat Bogs- An acidic wetland with lots of peat Fen- A wetland with basic water. Fen- A wetland with basic water. Always covered by fresh water, standing water: Always covered by fresh water, standing water: Ponds, lakes Ponds, lakes
Figure 4.13
Types of salt water-created patches Rarely covered by water: Rarely covered by water: Coastal floodplains, Coastal forests Coastal floodplains, Coastal forests Usually covered by water, soil saturate: Usually covered by water, soil saturate: Salt marshes- relatively few species adapted for this Salt marshes- relatively few species adapted for this Always covered by fresh water, standing water: Always covered by fresh water, standing water: The ocean, estuaries The ocean, estuaries
Figure 4.16
Figure 4.14b
Figure 4.15