Welcome to Providing Excellent Service Jarralynne agee Center for Workforce Development
Agenda About customer service Customers and stakeholders Me – the service provider Customer interactions Communication and techniques Taking care of yourself
Who are they? Customers
Who are they? Stakeholders
Hierarchy vs. Process
This I Believe My personal philosophy statement What do you believe about myself, what do I stand for, how would I like to be all the time, what legacy do I want to create? Your statement can serve as the foundation of your relationships with customers.
This I Believe Example: I believe that all people I interact with deserve my full attention and respect, just as I deserve theirs. It’s my intention to rise above difficult situations and to remember that I have chosen to work in customer service.
What Customers Want 1.Reliability 2.Responsiveness 3.Feeling of being valued 4.Empathy 5.Competence Xxx xxx
Sphere of Control Out of area of concern Influence Control
Personal Accountability
Empathetic Listening Identification with or vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another person. To show empathy for customers, you might use the following phrases: “I understand…I’m sorry…I can appreciate” Empathy can also be conveyed by the tone of your voice and body language
What Gets Communicated? Visual 55% Vocal 38% Words 7%
Listening Exercise Please work in pairs. Read the scenarios below and develop an empathetic listening response for each one.
Four Steps for Dealing With Difficult Situations 1.DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY –Let the customer talk/vent 2.REMAIN CALM. LISTEN CAREFULLY –Avoid getting trapped in negative filter 3.FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM, NOT THE PERSON –Express empathy –Begin active problem solving 4.TAKE ACTION. FOLLOW UP ON ANY PROMISES THAT YOU MADE. –Check for understanding –Follow up
Saying No 1.Sometimes you can’t help it 2.Saying yes does not = satisfied customer 3.Saying no does not = unhappy customer
Staying Energized Be good to yourself Change your reactions Take mental breaks Celebrate successes Focus on what you can control Ask for help