SSCSC- Team 8 Conceptual Design Review Nick Brennan, Kier Fortier, Tom Johnson, Shannon Martin, Adam Russell, Dylan Stewart 9/14/10 Fall 2010 Rev A
Mission Statement Team SSCSC’s design concept will utilize the surroundings presented when we send our BalloonSat, Krotos, soaring up to a height of about thirty kilometers. At this altitude, there are many atmospheric conditions that have an effect on sound waves. Krotos will carry an Extech Sound Level Data Logger in order to measure the change in volume of a given frequency as a function of altitude and its different conditions.
As Krotos approaches an altitude of thirty kilometers, atmospheric conditions including humidity, temperature, and pressure change drastically. Our goal is to determine if these differences in atmospheric conditions will alter the amplitude, or volume, of a sound wave. Another motive for this experiment is to broaden and obtain understanding of the effects of volume and its application to modern technology.
1-Sound Level Data Logger 2-Camera 3-HOBO 4-9v Batteries 5-Somo-14D 6-3v Battery 7-Heater 8-Speaker 9-Flight String
ItemOrdered fromPriceQt y Total Price S&HTotal Payment Extech USB Sound Level Datalogger Test Equipment Depot $ $0.00$ D Systems SOMO- 14D Embedded Audio-Sound Module 4D Systems online store $25.002$50.00$15.00$65.00 Speaker 0.5W 80Ohm Sparkfun$1.953$5.85$7.00$12.85 Dry IceKing Soopers~$0.99/lb $15.00 HeaterProvided$0.001 HOBO Data LoggerProvided$0.001 SwitchesProvided0~200$0.00 Digital CameraProvided$0.001 Foam Core (for launch/testing) Provided$0.003 Batteries 9V $20.00 Batteries AA $6.00 Batteries 3V $6.00 Management and Cost Overview (WHO, WHEN and HOW MUCH):
ItemMass (g) Camera220 HOBO30 Heater100 Microphone20 3Volt Battery3.1 SOMO 14D4 Speaker45 Foam Core~150 Insulation~75 Total647.1 g Mass Budget
NameTitleTasks Kier FortierTeam Leader/ Supply OfficerOrganization and task delegation, obtaining necessary materials Shannon MartinStructural Engineer/Head of Documentation Design and construction of outer structure and insulation Adam RussellScientist/C&DHcommand and data handling, experiment design Dylan StewartElectrical Engineer/Budget Manager Wiring and power systems, manage costs and budget Tom JohnsonStructural/Electrical EngineerDesign and construction of outer structure and insulation, wiring and power systems Nick BrennanScientist/C&DHExperiment Design, C&DH Team Roles Chart
9/15 Design complete 9/16 CoDR Slides Due 9/19 Team Meeting 9/26 Team Meeting 9/28 Acquire all hardware 9/30 Design Review 10/3 Team Meeting/Prototyping design complete 10/5 DD Rev. A/B and CDR presentations 10/7 Pre-critical design review 10/10 Team Meeting 10/17 Team Meeting 10/19 Testing Final Design Complete 10/21 Cold Test Complete 10/23 Design Review 10/24 Team Meeting 10/26 Pre-launch inspection 10/28 In class mission simulation test 11/2 Launch Readiness Review/Design Document Rev C Due 11/5 Final balloon-sat weigh in and turn in 11/6 Launch 11/07 Team Meeting 11/21 Team Meeting 11/28 Team Meeting 11/30 Final Presentation Due 12/04 Design Document Rev D Due/Design 12/07 BalloonSat hardware turn in Schedule
Biggest Worries The distance between the speaker and the microphone is not big enough for the sound waves to be affected. Keeping the hardware warm enough.