Professor Phillip Steele Pro Vice-Chancellor (Campus Coordination) Academic Director (Berwick & Peninsula) ICT Requirements What do campuses want/need? Monash Australia?
2 Monash University Unusual among Australia’s research intensive universities in having multiple locations including one regional, three metropolitan, two outer-urban and two overseas campuses.[1][1] As set out in the Monash Academic Plan , Objective 11 aims to ‘ensure the multi- campus nature of Monash University is used to greatest advantage by students and staff’.[2][2] The role of ICT??? [1][1] Excellence & Diversity Strategic Framework [2][2] Monash Academic Plan
3 Monash Regional Monash University Physical Campus Configuration Berwick Parkville Peninsula Caulfield Clayton Gippsland Monash Metro Monash Australia Monash Malaysia Monash South Africa
4 Beneficial Wishful Thinking The technology is easy to use and always works Very high bandwidth connections between all campuses, classrooms and offices Uniform quality! Recognise diversity in student access Location transparency. All Monash ICT services accessible through the Internet classroom, student café. office, home, airport, etc. Broadband access and computer lease bundled into the Monash student fee? Increased flexibility in student learning options – sometimes remotely attend classes?
5 The wish list continued Improved Learning Management Systems providing all students and staff with access to learning and teaching resources. This should include Blogs, Wikis, shared workspaces e.g. MUSO, SAKAI, etc. Enhanced broadcasting, recording and/or playback of classroom activities for remote access by students e.g. MULO, Lectopia Enhanced student and staff collaboration and networking through desktop video-conferencing, e.g. Elluminate, Marratech, WebEx, etc. Improved student experience through eportfolios, social computing, virtual worlds, e.g. Skype, Second life, Facebook, etc.
6 And continued….. Enhanced student portal to provide more integrated access to Monash learning and teaching resources More flexibility in learning options through a closer connection between off campus learning and on campus learning? Enhanced staff portal to provide better support for staff in the development and delivery of units and courses Learning object repository that facilitate the storage, retrieval and sharing of learning resources. Searching continuous media is important
7 And even more…..Research! The Victorian eResearch Strategic Initiative (VeRSI) - sharing of scientific knowledge globally, using advanced information and communication technology. Advanced broadband is networking scientists to highly complex instruments, databases, libraries, supercomputers and colleagues –Gigabit network –Terabyte, petabyte, exabyte,zettabyte, yottabyte (10**24) storage –Teraflops of processing capacity, computer clusters and grids Collaboration tools are centrally important
8 High Tech Learning and Collaboration Spaces A variety of next generation flexibly configured learning and collaboration spaces e.g. lecture theatres, tutorial rooms, labs, breakout rooms – computer, data projector, document camera, sound system, Internet access, etc., + Audio and video recording and Internet broadcasting / playback capability Local and remote student feedback technology Wireless coverage Ability to link easily to remote spaces and/or students – voice, video and document sharing Collaborative Learning Centre Sir James Foots Building The University of Queensland
9 Facilitating collaboration - a social activity! Meeting rooms are a portal for collaboration All meeting rooms with at least a conference phone, a meeting room phone directory and a central multi-room cross campus booking facility Many with computer, data projector, WLAN, document printing, scanning, photocopying, faxing, etc. Ability to link to other rooms and/or staff offices and/or individuals via Internet enabled video-conferencing A meeting room is a Dr. Who phone box
10 Questions and Comments?