14/1/20097 January 2009MICE CM23 - Harbin - Beamline Session1 MICE Beamloss Data Adam Dobbs.


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Presentation transcript:

14/1/20097 January 2009MICE CM23 - Harbin - Beamline Session1 MICE Beamloss Data Adam Dobbs

14/1/20097 January 2009MICE CM23 - Harbin - Beamline Session2 MICE Beam Loss Studies Overview Purpose – understand beam loss in ISIS due to MICE target Analogue ISIS beam loss signals (total ring loss, total sector 7 and 8 loss) readout by a MICE DAQ ISIS beam intensity, position and MICE target position signals also recorded by the DAQ DAQ operates at 100 kHz 2

14/1/20097 January 2009MICE CM23 - Harbin - Beamline Session3 Raw Data 3

14/1/20097 January 2009MICE CM23 - Harbin - Beamline Session4 Averaged Data 4 MICE beamloss ISIS at normal rep rate, 5 spills shown, MICE target dip on first spill

14/1/20097 January 2009MICE CM23 - Harbin - Beamline Session5 Averaged Data – reduced rep rate 5 ISIS at reduced rep rate => No spills without target present so cannot subtract background!

14/1/20097 January 2009MICE CM23 - Harbin - Beamline Session6 Background-subtracted Data (not averaged) 6 -used to make lookup table of target depth and beamloss for every actuation

14/1/20097 January 2009MICE CM23 - Harbin - Beamline Session7 Averaged and BG-subtracted 7 Data set _07

14/1/20097 January 2009MICE CM23 - Harbin - Beamline Session8 Averaged and BG-subtracted Electronics artefact Possible losses from target scraping beam at injection 8

14/1/20097 January 2009MICE CM23 - Harbin - Beamline Session9 Target Depth Vs Time 9 Data set _ maximum target depth of each actuation over period of a run (of order hours). Below is for the evening of the target failure on

14/1/20097 January 2009MICE CM23 - Harbin - Beamline Session10 Data set _00-01 Target Position Vs Beamloss: actual -from a typical run 10 Depth(mm) = Grad*Depth(V)+Off Grad = Off= V -> 32.68mm, 1.25V -> 35.23mm

14/1/20097 January 2009MICE CM23 - Harbin - Beamline Session11 8 January 2009MICE Target Meeting11 Data set _00-03 Target Position Vs Beamloss: actual -from a night of target failure on Severely reduced beamloss

14/1/20097 January 2009MICE CM23 - Harbin - Beamline Session12 Zoomed 12 Data set _00-03 Quantisation of data for target position – note scale

14/1/20097 January 2009MICE CM23 - Harbin - Beamline Session13 Further Zoomed 13 Data set _00-03 A 2 nd quantisation of data for target position at smaller scale. Possible causes are discrete ruler measures used by laser position system, and the digitisation process