Program Committee Nicholas Bond, JISAO and Washington State Climate Office Robert Elleman, US EPA Region 10 Lynn Helbrecht, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Lief Horwitz, USGS Northwest Area Philip Mote, Oregon Climate Change Research Institute Trevor Murdock, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium David Patte, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Region Amy Snover, Climate Impacts Group Von Walden, Idaho EPSCoR, "Water Resources in a Changing Climate” Francis Zwiers, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium
Conference Sponsors Climate Impacts Group (CIG) EcoAdapt Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) Idaho's "Water Resources in A Changing Climate" EPSCoR Project Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NPLCC) Northwest Climate Change Collaboration (C3) Oregon Climate Change Research Institute (OCCRI)
Conference Sponsors Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU), UW School of Forest Resources The Resource Innovation Group, in affiliation with The Center for Sustainable Communities at Willamette University Washington Department of Ecology Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife U.S. Department of Interior Northwest Climate Science Center U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Region U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Conference Planning & Logistics Lara Whitely Binder, Climate Impacts Group Ingrid Tohver, Climate Impacts Group Adrienne Karpov, Climate Impacts Group Zenobia Levy, Climate Impacts Group Sasha Wittman, Climate Impacts Group Debbie Confer, PNW CESU Hilary Papendick, UW School of Forest Resources/Evans School of Public Affairs
Conference Agenda Overview: DAY 1 Plenary 1a: Welcome, Invited Speaker: Dean Lisa Graumlich, PNW National Climate Partnerships Plenary 1b: Glimpse of conference concurrent sessions, Ed Miles recognition -- LUNCH -- Concurrent Session A: Marine & Aquatic Ecosystems Special Session: Climate, Coasts & Estuaries Concurrent Session B: Vulnerability Assessment, Adaptation Planning & Human Responses to Climate Change Poster Session: 55 posters, 12 major topic areas, 300 friends & potential collaborators … and free beer & wine
Conference Agenda Overview: DAY 2 Plenary 2: Invited Speaker: Jeremy Littell; U.S. National Climate Assessment Concurrent Session C: Hydrology & Freshwater Resources Concurrent Session D: Terrestrial Ecosystems Special Session: Vulnerability Assessment & Adaptation Planning for PNW Natural Resource Management -- LUNCH – (optional) National Climate Assessment Information Session Plenary 3: Invited Speaker: Francis Zwiers PNW Climate Trends & Extremes Invited Speaker: Trevor Murdock
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