Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 An Efficient Consistency Algorithm for the Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problem Berthe Y. Choueiry & Lin Xu, AI Comm Presented by Shant Karakashian Advanced Constraint Processing CSCE , Fall /8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Outline Introduction Solving the TCSP Motivation: Constraint Propagation & Fragmentation ∆AC Algorithm Identifying the Triangles ∆AC Initialization Advantages of ∆AC Experiment Results Conclusion 29/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Introduction Temporal relations in a problem can be represented & reasoned about by modeling the problem as a Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problem (TCSP) TCSP can be solved by assigning a value to each time point, such that all the constraints are simultaneously satisfied A TCSP can have exponential number of STPs, where each STP can be solved efficiently 39/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Outline Introduction Solving the TCSP Motivation: Constraint Propagation & Fragmentation ∆AC Algorithm Identifying the Triangles ∆AC Initialization Advantages of ∆AC Experiment Results Conclusion 49/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Solving TCSP [Dechter et al. 91] Dechter described a backtrack search procedure for determining the consistency of the TCSP. TCSP is modeled as a meta-CSP – With n vertices, e edges, and k intervals per edge – The edges in TCSP are the variables in meta-CSP – The labels of an edge in TCSP form the domain of the corresponding variable – The only constraint is a global constraint, stating that the edge-interval pairs form a consistent STP 59/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Outline Introduction Solving TCSP Motivation: Constraint Propagation & Fragmentation ∆AC Algorithm Identifying the Triangles ∆AC Initialization Advantages of ∆AC Experiment Results Conclusion 69/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Constraint Propagation by Domain Filtering Constraint propagation effectively enhances the performance of search The single constraint for the meta-CSP has size O(k e ), which makes it unrealistic to apply GAC ∆AC remedies this difficulty by imposing a new ternary constraint over every existing triangle in the TCSP graph 8/25/2009 Topic 7 Arc consistency –Single n-ary constraint –GAC is NP-hard AC –Works on existing triangles –Poly # of poly constraints
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Fragmentation Algorithms such as NPC-1 and NPC-2 modify intervals, which causes fragmentation AC removes values that are not supported by the ternary constraint For every interval in the domain of an edge, there must exist intervals in the domains of the 2 other edges such that the 3 intervals verify the triangle inequality rule 8/25/2009 Topic 8 M [1,3] in e 3 has no support in e 1 and e 2 AC removes [1,3] from domain of e 3 ∆AC either keeps an interval as is or removes it, hence avoids fragmentation
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Outline Introduction Solving TCSP Motivation: Constraint Propagation & Fragmentation ∆AC Algorithm Identifying the Triangles ∆AC Initialization Advantages of ∆AC Experiment Results Conclusion 99/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 ∆AC Algorithm (1) ∆AC keeps support tables (à la AC-4 / AC-2001) – Calls InitializeSupport Initializes the queue of (edge,interval) pairs Builds 2 support tables: Supports, SupportedBy – Loops through the queue, checking if a (edge-interval) pair has a support in all triangles where the edge appears 8/25/2009 Topic 10 A= {a 1, a 2,.., a k }
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 ∆AC Algorithm (2) Given the triangle: XYZ R EVISE A={a 1,a, 2,.., a k }, finding a support for each interval For a i in A If F IND S UPPORT (A, a i ) = false Then D ELETE a i from A E NQUEUE the intervals supported by a i F IND S UPPORT (A, a i ) For each interval b j in B, c k in C: If (b j c k ) a i is not empty Then A DD a to list of intervals supported by b j, c k Return true Return false 11 Y XZ C = {c 1,c 2,..,c k } B = {b 1,b 2,..,b k } A= {a 1, a 2,.., a k } 9/8/2009 M [1,3] in e 3 has no support in e 1 and e 2
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Outline Introduction Solving TCSP Motivation Filtering intervals with ∆AC Identifying the Triangles ∆AC Initialization Advantages of ∆AC Experiment Results Conclusion 129/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Identifying the Triangles 13 XY ZW A={a 1, a 2 } C={c 1, c 2 } E={e 1, e 2 } D={d 1, d 2 } F = {[-∞,+∞)} The interval i 11 is an absorbing element: (-∞,+∞) (-∞,+∞) composed with any interval is: (-∞,+∞) (-∞,+∞) intersected with any interval x is x, not null B={b 1, b 2 } 9/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Outline Introduction Solving TCSP Motivation Filtering intervals with ∆AC Identifying the Triangles ∆AC Initialization Advantages of ∆AC Experiment Results Conclusion 149/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 ∆AC: Initialization 15 (A, a 1 ) (A,a 2 ) (B,b 1 ) (B,b 2 ) (C,c 1 ) (C,c 2 ) (D,d 1 ) (D,d 2 ) Q XY ZW A={a 1, a 2 } C={c 1, c 2 } B={b 1, b 2 } D={d 1, d 2 } d 2 supports b 1 c 1 supports b 1 B={b 1 } C={c 2 } (B,b 1 ) 9/8/2009 b 1 supported by d 2 b 1 supported by c 1
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Outline Introduction Solving TCSP Motivation Filtering intervals with ∆AC Identifying the Triangles ∆AC Initialization Advantages of ∆AC Experiment Results Conclusion 169/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Advantages of AC Powerful, especially for dense TCSPs Sound and cheap O(n |E| k 3 ) It may be optimal – Uses polynomial-size data-structures: Supports, Supported-by as in AC-4 17 [borrowed from lecture slides] 9/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Outline Introduction Solving TCSP Motivation Filtering intervals with ∆AC Identifying the Triangles ∆AC Initialization Advantages of ∆AC Experiment Results Conclusion 189/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Reduction of meta-CSP’s size 19 [borrowed from lecture slides] 9/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Effect of AC on #nodes visited 20 [borrowed from lecture slides] 9/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Cumulative Improvement 21 Before, after AP, after NewCyc,… … and now ( AC, STP, NewCyc, EdgeOrd) Max on y-axis Max on y-axis , 2 orders of magnitude improvement [borrowed from lecture slides] 9/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Outline Introduction Solving TCSP Motivation Filtering intervals with ∆AC Identifying the Triangles ∆AC Initialization Advantages of ∆AC Experiment Results Conclusion 229/8/2009
Advanced Constraint Processing, Fall 2009 Conclusion The paper proposes ∆AC that: – Defines ternary constraints on a TCSP – Propagates the constraints to filter the intervals in the TCSP that are the domains of the variables in the meta-CSP ∆AC is used as a preprocessing step – Should be also used for look-ahead Experiments show that the algorithm is able to filter the domains tremendously specially as the density of the graph increases 239/8/2009