Software Engineering 1 Therese Hume X361 Room 7, prefab (mon,wed)
Large quantities of time and money have been wasted in the development of computer systems Why?
How do we ensure successful information systems? Need to understand basic systems concepts and the relationship between software and human systems. Need to understand the disciplined process of software development including project management Need to develop skills in a range of techniques which aid in the production of quality software Need to understand what is meant by software quality and how to achieve it
Software Development Process needs or ideas Computer System
Developing a Software System WHY?: Need to know the PURPOSE of the system. WHAT WHO WHERE? : need to know what the system needs to do to help achieve those objectives- HOW?: need to design a system that will work. IMPLEMENT and EVALUATE Build, test etc.
Learning objectives How can it help me – setting your own learning objectives? Link to project … Creativity and problem solving Invention/innovation
Why study software engineering? 1. Disciplined software development Use modelling tools to ensure well-designed& clearly specified software Make programming easier... Make testing easier Make changing/upgrading the system easier Enable software re-use 2. Develop transferable skills
Transferable Skills Communication skills:- Interviewing, fact- finding, Group and team working Problem solving/analytical skills:- Systemic and systematic thinking Basic systems thinking skills can be applied to a wide range of messy problems and help shed light on what is causing them. –Systematic : able to analyse and break things down into component parts – focus on components –Systemic : able to examine how the system works as a whole – focus on relationships - “Joined-up thinking”
Specific Skills Ability to model and design software systems using a range of specific notations, in particular UML and object oriented design. Understand key aspects of software design including quality principles.
Intrinsic goal-setting – you decide why?
Learning Outcomes Elicit user requirements Document user requirements using specific notations Design and develop computer-based solutions Comprehend notation used in structured analysis and design techniques, and in particular object oriented analysis and design Apply theory to practical problems. Work in group environment
Coursework Assessment Breakdown Continuous Assessment 60% End of Year Exam 40% Xmas exam10% Assignment 1 (due end October)10% Assignment 2(due xmas)10% Group Assignment30%
Course Textbook *** should be some copies of this and other similar ones in library Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design using UML Bennett, Mc Robb and Farmer Mc Graw Hill 4 th Edition (2010) Online Resources: see for links
Books in eBrary UML Demystified Kimmel, Paul (Author) Publisher: McGraw−Hill Osborne (2005) Software Engineering for Game Developers Flynt, John (Author) Salem, Omar (Author) Publisher: Course Technology
Systems Development Business development life−cycle and recognise the stakeholders involved. Games development life−cycle and recognise the stakeholders involved. Alternate life−cycle models Design Patterns Software quality.
Systems requirements and specification Elicit user requirements Document user requirements/game scenarios using UML Use Case diagrams and templates. Use structured analysis techniques and CASE tools to formulate a system specification. Apply entity relational analysis. Prototyping.
Topics to start Systems Concepts Software lifecycle/Games Lifecycle Initiation phase/project management UML Overview Analysis Phase: Requirements Gathering Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams E-R diagrams Object oriented Concepts
Design and implementation Software quality principles Architecture design Database design Object oriented software design and specification UML model − different model views, static and dynamic view of systems. UML class diagrams, sequence diagrams, state chart diagrams.