NCESR 06/ David Berkowitz, Department of Chemistry Paul Blum, School of Biological Sciences Co-PI’s: Ethanol as a Energy Source and Terminal Reductant: Exploitation of Thermophilic Redox Enzymes in Catalyst Development and Screening Ketones
New Value-Added Enzymatic Reductions of Achiral Ketones HLADH = Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase; CPADH = Candida parapsilosis ADH; RS-1 ADH = Rhodococcus sp. ADH; LKADH = Lactobacillus kefir ADH New Biocatalytic Routes to Pharmaceutically Relevant Building Blocks...
Ethanol as the Terminal Reductant for Value-Added Products: reduction cycles possible from ethanol in the synthesis of this value-added chiral, building block...
Thermophilic Bacteria as a Potential Source of Novel Dehydrogenases:
The Blum Lab successfully expresses the thermostable ADH from the archeaon Sulfolobus sulfataricus:
The Berkowitz Lab finds that this thermostable ADH can enantioselectively reduce the Talampanel-leading ketone, even at 75°C