PINK & SAY A Civil War Story of Courage and Friendship By: Karyn Concannon
Lesson One o Create a visual dictionary using PowerPoint. A visual dictionary uses pictures instead of words to define key vocabulary terms in the story Pink & Say by Patricia Palacco.
Vocabulary List o Abraham Lincoln o Boxcar o Porridge o Buckboard o Union Soldier o Confederate Soldier o Lead Ball o Spectacles o Stockades o Vittles o Mahogany o Musket
Places to Find Images o Library of Congress at o Encarta o ClipArt o Civil War Images at
Directions for Creating the Slideshow o Open new PowerPoint FILE>NEW o Check your tool bars and make sure the Standard and Formatting Tool Bars are open and placed properly. o Look in the Task Pane on the right. Click on NEW PRESENTATION>FROM DESIGN TEMPLATE o Select a design that will set the mood of the book Pink and Say. The book deals with the Civil War, Loss, Friendship, and Slavery. o Select the Layout Button found in the upper right corner of the Formatting Tool Bar or under FORMAT>SLIDE LAYOUT. o Select the Title Only slide from the task pane if your slide show will contain only the terms and a picture
Copying a Picture to a Slide o Locate a picture of the term you are defining. (refer to slide 3 and 4) o Copy the picture from your source by right-clicking in the middle of the image and selecting the word copy. o Go to the slide you wish to paste the picture to. Right click anywhere in the open space and click on paste. o See the next slide for an example.
Add a Title to the Slide o Click in the box and type the term.
Adding More Slides o Continue adding more slides to your show using the NEW SLIDE button located towards the top of the screen on the right side of the Formatting Tool Bar o Remember, the best slide layout to use is the TITLE ONLY slide. Using this slide will allow you to apply animation to the image.
ANIMATION o The first and most important rule of animation is telling the computer what you want to animate. o YOU MUST CLICK ON THE ITEM YOU WANT TO ANIMATE FOR IT TO WORK. I call this lighting the image.
LIGHTING AN IMAGE o You light an image by clicking on it. o The image is lit when the area around it changes and small white dots appear. o Text boxes can be lit in the same way.
ANIMATION o Once an item is lit, select SLIDE SHOW>CUSTOM ANIMATION from the menu tool bar at the top of the screen. o Click on Add Effect in the task pane to the left. o If nothing happens, it is because the image or text box is not lit.
REMOVE ANIMATION o To remove an unwanted animation, light the item. o Look to the task pane on the right. o Locate the unwanted animation. o Click on it in the task pane. o Click on word remove in the task pane.
SLIDE SHOW ELEMENTS o Pick an entrance and an exit for your title. o Pick an entrance and an exit for your image. o Apply the SAME animation to each slide in the whole show. o A slideshow that has too much animation is confusing and gives the reader a headache. o LESS IS MORE when creating a presentation.
ANIMATION o To start, click on Entrance in the pop up menu, >More Effects o A wide variety of effects will be displayed. o Click on the one you like. o To see your effect, “grab” the window with your mouse and move it over. o Once you have the one you like, click ok.
GRADING o Your slide show will be given two grades. One for amount of work you do and one for quality. o To get the best possible grade, locate your images, paste, and type in all your information first. Animation should be the final step. o Double-check your terms with a dictionary to make sure the pictures match.
GRADE SCALE for QUANTITY o 12 terms and images%100 o 11 terms and images %90 o 10 terms and images %80 o 9 terms and images %70 o Anything less will result in grade of %50 for attempting the assignment.
ELEMENTS GRADED FOR QUALITY o The design scheme used imitates the mood of the story. 10 pts o Animation schemes applied are minimal and coordinated. 10 pts o The images used demonstrate the meaning of the terms. 40 pts o Spelling and Grammar 20 pts o Fonts, sounds, extras 10 pts o Title Slide, Title, and Saving correctly. 10 pts