Partitioned Rendering Infrastructure with Stable Accordion Navigation James Slack MSc Thesis Presentation April 4, 2005
2 Overview Motivation & Background Related Work Generic Accordion Drawing –Accordion Drawing Infrastructure –Tree-specific Accordion Drawing –InfoVis 2003 Contest Entry –Evaluation of Generic Infrastructure Conclusions
3 Accordion Drawing Accordion Drawing is rubber-sheet navigation and guaranteed visibility of data
4 Accordion Drawing Navigation Rubber-sheet navigation metaphor –Borders tacked down –Stretch regions of interest Distortion of data in 2 dimensions –Dataset drawn on flexible surface –Data may be squished into small regions Regions may be less than size of pixel –Data never pushed off-screen All data maps to on-screen region –Dense regions of data require culling
5 Guaranteed Visibility Guaranteed visibility marks are always visible –All marks are visible with small datasets
6 Guaranteed Visibility Guaranteed visibility is hard with big datasets –Naïve culling, on right, doesn’t draw all marked items
7 TreeJuxtaposer 1 st Accordion Drawing application Side-by-side tree comparison [Munzner 2003]
8 TreeJuxtaposer Limitations –Scalability Maximum dataset size: 500,000 tree nodes Slow rendering for large datasets –Tree-specific Accordion Drawing No separable infrastructure
Contributions Generic Accordion Drawing (AD) Trees on top of generic AD InfoVis Contest
10 Generic Accordion Drawing New rendering infrastructure –Based on screen-space partitioning –Eliminates overculling Visually correct rendering –Tightly bounds overdrawing Pixel-based rendering constraints Faster rendering of dense regions Numerically stable navigation –Support for multiple concurrent motions
11 Trees on Generic AD Tree topology traversing algorithms –Rendering and culling support –Layout of datasets Marking small regions of trees –Store continuous regions –Efficient traversal of marked regions Benchmarked with TreeJuxtaposer performance
12 InfoVis Contest Analysis of tree-specific AD –Incremental search with immediate visual feedback –InfoVis 2003 contest dataset evaluation
Related Work Other Tree Drawing Applications Additional Dataset Domains
14 TJC Visualization of 15 million node binary tree –Grid-based, embedded AD infrastructure Top-down rendering –Subtree culling when subtree subtends 1 pixel Limitations –No support for multiple-tree comparison –Tuned for balanced binary trees –Tree-specific accordion drawing No separable infrastructure [Beermann 2005]
15 Additional Domains Genomic Sequences –DNA sequence comparison –Aligned A,C,G,T data –Beyond scope of MSc thesis [Slack 2004] Power sets –Set of all sets visualization –Built on my generic infrastructure –Submitted for publication [Munzner 2005]
Discussion Accordion Drawing Infrastructure Tree-specific Accordion Drawing InfoVis 2003 Contest Entry Evaluation of Generic Infrastructure
17 Application and AD Interplay AD requires application-specific algorithms –Bi-directional mapping (layout grid) –Applications conform to 3-step rendering pipeline Partitioning Seeding Drawing AD provides common algorithms for applications –Efficient rubber-sheet navigation –Infrastructure for partitioning –Render queue for drawing
Accordion Drawing Infrastructure Split Line Hierarchy Rendering Navigation
19 Bidirectional Mapping Map application-specific layout to 2D rectilinear grid Define generic algorithms on grid Reuse grid algorithms for all AD applications –Navigation: stretching, squishing –Rendering: partitioning
20 Split Line Sets Two sets of split lines divide X & Y of a base grid –Size of sets determined by application X & Y line sets move independently X 0 X 2 X 3 X 1 Y 0 Y 1 Y 2 Y 4 Y 3
21 Split Line Duality Split line interpretation duality –Split lines are an ordered list of lines –Split lines are a hierarchical subdivision of space
22 Split Line Hierarchy Hierarchy forms regions –Binary subdivision of grid coordinate system –Each split line of hierarchy subdivides region Root split line is entire region for X or Y Region restricts positions of all child regions –Each region stores relative position of line Use relative positions to calculate absolute split line screen coordinates
23 Split Cell Root Region Center split line can move anywhere
24 Split Cell Child Region Center split line can move anywhere Left child of parent is bounded –Parent split line bounds all descendants
25 Split Cell Child Region Center split line can move anywhere Left child of parent is bounded –Parent split line bounds all descendants
26 Split Cell Child Region Center split line can move anywhere Left child of parent is bounded –Parent split line bounds all descendants
27 Absolute positions depend on relative positions of all parents Hierarchy allows logarithmic region access Split Line Hierarchy
Accordion Drawing Infrastructure Split Line Hierarchy Rendering Navigation
29 Generic Partition-Based Rendering 3-step rendering pipeline –Partitioning –Seeding –Drawing Separate partitioning from drawing –Partitioning is hard: supported by infrastructure Constraints solve overdrawing, overculling problems –Drawing is easy: application responsibility Handle bite-sized pieces Seeding supports progressive rendering
30 Generic Partitioning Correct partitioning eliminates overculling Application partitions either horizontally or vertically –Trees partition topological leaves (vertically) Binary recursion in split line hierarchy –Stop when either Small enough segment of screen space –Application-specific termination criteria World-space item reached at hierarchy leaf
31 Generic Drawing and Picking Drawing and picking are application-specific –Depend on layout of dataset Use layout of dataset as representation of data relationships Drawing traversal follows partitioned ranges –Each partitioned range drawn independently –Application-specific minimal drawing for each range Traverse dataset topology to pick –Same traversal methods as drawing Any visible node is pickable and any pickable node is visible
32 Seeding Marked Ranges Marked items drawn first –Progressive guaranteed visibility Visual landmarks while navigating Application-specific seeding order –Usually, marks followed by partitioned ranges
Accordion Drawing Infrastructure Split Line Hierarchy Rendering Navigation
34 TreeJuxtaposer Navigation Single lines move with subdivision hierarchy –Movement in O(log(n)), for n total split lines –Bottom-up traversal in hierarchy Moving k lines –Repeat k independent single line movements –Root split line moves k times Numerical instability –Movement in O(k log(n))
35 Generic AD navigation Same complexity –Single line movement O(log(n)) Top-down traversal, in total of n split lines –k-line movement O(k log(n)) Numerical stability for k-line movement –Any line moves at most once Two cases to consider –Single split line movement –Many split line movement
36 Single Line Navigation Move target split line to final position Recursion through split line hierarchy 4 properties of stable, efficient navigation –Target can be moved anywhere on screen –Split lines remain ordered during navigation –Each motion step moves ½ remaining lines –Final position of target calculated in first step, guaranteed to move lines appropriately
37 Single Line Navigation An example navigation action: Hierarchy of split lines:
38 Step 1: Move root of hierarchy –Affects absolute positions of other split lines Root Movement
39 Recursive Motion Each motion step moves ½ remaining lines –Right side of hierarchy finished after step 1 –Recursion necessary only on left side Previous center becomes movement boundary Left side
40 Step 2: Move child center split line –Affects absolute positions of other split lines Only in its bounded region Child Movement
41 Complete Movement Explained as recursive process Actually concurrent movements –Split lines move in own region All steps can run at same time
42 Many Line Navigation Grow several regions between pairs of split lines –Shrinking is inverse, grow the set of unselected regions –Each region grows in proportion of initial size –Regions between ranges preserve context Similar to single line movement –Top-down hierarchy traversal –Move relative line positions only Recursion on both halves of split line hierarchy –Stop recursion in empty range –Interpolate position of center line each step
43 Navigation Preserves Contexts Cannot squish regions to smaller than a threshold –Contexts preserved between and around regions in motion
44 Split Line Motion Interpolation Final position of blue center satisfies: I left ÷ ( I left + I right ) = F left ÷ (F left + F right ) F left F right I left I right
Discussion Accordion Drawing Infrastructure Tree-specific Accordion Drawing InfoVis 2003 Contest Entry Evaluation of Generic Infrastructure
46 Tree-specific Accordion Drawing Improved marked range storage –Seeding orders marked nodes before unmarked data Topology-based algorithms –Rendering traversal –Visible node picking Visible nodes can be picked, pickable nodes are visible Grid-based algorithms –Gridding (mapping tree nodes to grid) –Positioning edges during rendering
47 Tree Ascent Rendering Rendering with generic infrastructure –Partitioning Rendering requires sub-pixel segments Partition split line Y, create leaf ranges –Seeding 1 st : roots of marked sub-trees, marked nodes 2 nd : interaction box, remainder of leaf ranges –Drawing Ascent rendering from leaves to root
48 Tree Partitioning Divide leaf nodes by screen location –Partitioning follows split line hierarchy –Tree application provides stopping size criterion –Ranges [1,1]; [2,2]; [3,5] are partitions L = [1,1] L = [2,2] L = [3,5] 0 1 2
49 Seeding Tree Nodes Marked subtrees not drawn completely in first frame –Draw “skeleton” of marks for each subtree for landmarks –Solves guaranteed visibility of small subtree in big dataset
50 Marked Ranges TreeJuxtaposer stores marks in linked list –Colors cached for every node –Retrieving color is expensive linear search 130 seconds to mark and redraw pair of 200k node trees 1.5 seconds for cached drawing (marked or unmarked) Our infrastructure stores marked ranges in balanced trees –No caching required –Efficient ordering and range grouping 2.5 seconds to mark and redraw pair of 200k node trees 0.3 seconds for unmarked drawing, 0.5 for marked
51 Gridding for Tree Drawing Mapping tree nodes to a base grid of split lines –Drawing depends on node mapping
52 Tree Gridding Process Tree properties determine base grid size –One cell in Y for each leaf –Enough cells in X for height of tree Nodes placed in grid in post-order –Bounded by split lines –Parents span their children –All siblings connected to parents
53 Tree Gridding Example Each node assigned rectangular region –As wide as sum of children widths –Tall enough to reach parent Siblings all at same height
54 Tree Edge Drawing TreeJuxtaposer places nodes in base-grid cells –Base-grid cells are smallest regions of base grid –Edges are offset in cells –Parent edges drawn in cells Cells move with children, lines move in cells Simple offsets fail when nodes span many cells –Horizontal edges may be anywhere within cell Need a constant time calculation using only local child nodes
55 Must update edge location even if only child nodes move –Parent size unchanged, but child nodes may pass parent –Update must be constant to avoid recursion –Compute edge location with interior children stuck Horizontal Tree Edge Drawing
56 Tree Drawing Traversal Ascent-based drawing –Partition into leaf ranges before drawing TreeJuxtaposer partitions during drawing –Start from 1 leaf per range, draw path to root –Carefully choose starting leaf 3 categories of misleading gaps eliminated –Leaf-range gaps –Horizontal tree edge gaps –Ascent path gaps
57 Tree Ascent Drawing Use seed queue to draw nodes Determine minimal set to draw –Use tree topology, select best nodes L = [1,1] L = [2,2] L = [3,5] 0 1 2
58 Leaf-range Gaps Number of nodes rendered depends on number of partitioned leaf ranges –Maximize leaf range size to reduce rendering –Too much reduction results in gaps
59 Eliminating Leaf-range Gaps Eliminate by rendering more leaves –Partition into smaller leaf ranges
Discussion Accordion Drawing Infrastructure Tree-specific Accordion Drawing InfoVis 2003 Contest Entry Evaluation of Generic Infrastructure
61 InfoVis 2003 Contest Inaugural visualization contest at InfoVis 2003 –Tree comparison contest –Several tasks on datasets –Judged by evaluation of methods used to solve tasks Using an information visualization tool Tool created by either submitters or 3 rd party We analyzed a modified TreeJuxtaposer –TreeJuxtaposer was well suited for tree comparisons –Our modifications focused on solving contest tasks TreeJuxtaposer lacked text entry for searching User interface lacked feedback
62 Contest Dataset Evaluation 3 dataset types evaluated –Two 200,000 node classification trees –Four 90,000 node directory trees –Two 60 node phylogenetic trees Various tasks: –Generic tasks for all sets Individual tree visualization Pair-wise tree comparison –Specific tasks for each set Attribute and specific characteristics of datasets
63 TreeJuxtaposer Contest Improvements Incremental search –Matching nodes highlight for immediate visual feedback –Selectable list of search results User interface improvement –State of marking, selections visible –Graphical interface support of common operations
64 Evaluation Results Overview Strengths of TreeJuxtaposer –Comparisons scalable to large datasets –Guaranteed visibility highlights small features –Rubber-sheet navigation provides smooth navigation transitions Limitations of TreeJuxtaposer –Scalability restricted comparing largest datasets –Unable to analyze more than label attributes –No undo, editing, logging functionality Result of our contest entry: –Our analysis won first place overall!
Discussion Accordion Drawing Infrastructure Tree-specific Accordion Drawing InfoVis 2003 Contest Entry Evaluation of Generic Infrastructure
66 Evaluation of Generic Infrastructure Benchmark with TreeJuxtaposer performance –Comparison of InfoVis 2003 contest datasets Two 200k node animal classification datasets –Comparison of OpenDirectory Project datasets Two 500k node website categorization trees –Synthetic dataset progressions, by powers of 2 Show “curves” through space of all trees Up to 2 million nodes Balanced binary trees Star trees
67 Rendering Time Performance TreeJuxtaposer renders all nodes for star trees –Branching factor k leads to O(k) performance We achieve 5x rendering improvement with contest comparison dataset Constant time, after threshold, for large binary trees
68 Rendering Time Performance Constant time, after threshold, for large binary trees –We approach rendering limit of screen-space Contest and OpenDirectory comparison render 2 trees –Comparable to rendering two binary trees
69 Memory Performance Linear memory usage for both –Generic AD approach 5x better Marked range storage changes improve scalability –1GB difference for contest comparison
Conclusions Future Work Thesis Conclusions
71 Future Work Editing tree topology –Modifying trees graphically Updating accordion drawing structure Combine generic accordion drawing applications –Tree+Sequence analysis tool Link tools with common accordion drawing infrastructure Build trees interactively with sequence data Aggregate sequences based on tree topology
72 Thesis Conclusions Generic accordion drawing infrastructure –Partitioned rendering infrastructure –Stable accordion navigation –Split line hierarchy Tree topologies in generic infrastructure –Improved marked range storage –Traversal algorithms Drawing, picking, layout follow topology InfoVis 2003 Contest first place entry –Evaluation of TreeJuxtaposer features –Additional support for searching
73 Acknowledgements Tamara Munzner Kristian Hildebrand Katherine St. John François Guimbretière Qiang Kong