Banana Open Access Platform HTTP:// Philippe Rieffel Hein Bouwmeester 15th December 2010 Regional Disease Surveillance Workshop for Banana Nairobi 13‐16th December 2010 A crowdsourced approach to collect and validate spatial data
Idea/Background Banana is one of the main staple crops in Africa, they say.. Where are the bananas? To conduct spatial analyses, coherent and comprehensive data is needed Some data have been collected starting at the Banana 2008 Conference Use WebGIS approach to validate / expand data
Goal Spatially identify banana producing areas Attach socio-economic, production and biotic attributes Plant density Pests/diseases Weevils / nematodes Fertilizer/chemicals […] Involve local knowledge in the wider context Crowdsourcing
Technicals - Software Server Software: GeoServer hosted at IFPRI Database: PostgreSQL/Postgis Frontend: GeoExt Framework (Mashup of Openlayers, ExtJS) Blog / User Interface: Wordpress All software is Open Source Data is freely available to the public
Technicals - Actions
Technicals - Sequence