Web 2.0 Workshop #2 Part 2: Podcasting and Webcasting at Ryerson
Multimedia Content at Ryerson Provide students with lecture content. Produce short tutorials or demonstrations to reinforce a tough topic of study. Create an online repository of reusable media resources for students to access during the course (and beyond?) Allow students to create multimedia projects that demonstrate their understanding of a topic. … and more PREAMBLE Some reasons to introduce media to your course:
Do my students need to be able to play the content on their iPod? Would I prefer that my students not be able to download the media files? Is it reasonable to expect students to have ongoing access to a fast internet connection (from home, from computer lab) while playing back the content? Do I want the content to only be available to my group (and not to the public)? Do I want my students to create and deliver content? Some questions to ask yourself: COMPARISON
Some differences to consider : OPTIONSPODCASTINGWEBCASTING Download file before playbackYesNo Content can be played offlineYes (after download) No Can subscribe to new contentYesMaybe (depends on system) Need special software to play content (other than web browser) YesNo Content can be played on a mobile device Yes (iPod, at least) Maybe (device compatibility) Can choose whether content is public or private Maybe (depends on system) Students can deliver contentMaybe (depends on system) COMPARISON
SOME SYSTEMS offer a combination of features… COMPARISON
Options at Ryerson Ryecast (streaming / webcasting / lecture casting) iTunes U (podcasting / download) Wordpress Blog (podcasting, ability to embed content from other sites) Blackboard? – Not ideal for posting videos, but you can post a link in your Bb course to multimedia content hosted elsewhere. PODCASTING & WEBCASTING AT RYERSON
Webcasting/Streaming solution Can password protect the content Each folder has its own RSS feed for subscription (but different from Podcasting subscription, as content is not downloaded – only a link to the stream) “Share” section provides a URL and embed code that you can use to distribute the content. Future could offer podcasting services alongside streaming. Ryecast (ryecast.ryerson.ca) PODCASTING & WEBCASTING AT RYERSON
iTunes U Podcasting solution Requires iTunes software No public access Private access controlled by Blackbord Subscribe to content using iTunes, and set to automatically download new content to your computer (and transfer to iPod) Some ‘streaming-like’ playback (for audio and some videos) PODCASTING & WEBCASTING AT RYERSON
Wordpress Blog with Podcasting Enabled (blog.ryerson.ca) Can set up a “regular” blog (with posts, pages, etc.) Enable podcast plugin to generate a podcast. Can allow user to play content right in the blog post (without having to download or subscribe). RSS Subscription available if blog is not private. Can subscribe in two ways: To full blog posts in a feed reader (like Google Reader) To podcast content only in software like iTunes that does podcast subscription & downloading. Can also embed content from other sites (including Ryecast). * Will be using this system in our hands-on exercises. PODCASTING & WEBCASTING AT RYERSON
Some differences to consider (pt 2) : OPTIONSiTunes URYECASTWordpress Blog + Podcast Must download file before playback No (audio) Yes (some video) No Content can be played offlineYes (after download) NoYes (after download) Can subscribe to new contentYes Yes (if blog is public) Need special software to play content (other than web browser) YesNo (just Flash plugin) No (to view) Yes (after download) Content can be played on a mobile device Yes (iPod, at least) Maybe (need Flash and Internet) Maybe (depends on file format) Can choose whether content is public or private No (private) Yes (password) Yes (but must be public for subscription) Students can deliver contentYes (Instructor option) Not Yet (possibly in the future) Yes PODCASTING & WEBCASTING AT RYERSON
GETTING STARTED Contact the DMP – we can help you find the best solution! Systems mentioned in this workshop: blog.ryerson.ca (Ryerson’s Wordpress blog system) ryecast.ryerson.ca (Ryecast streaming system) iTunes U (podcasting) – access is done via the building block in a Blackboard course or organization. Contact DMP to arrange your access. PODCASTING & WEBCASTING AT RYERSON
We will be using Ryerson’s blog system, Wordpress, for both exercises. I have set up blogs for everyone attending the workshop. 1. Open a web browser (like Firefox or Internet Explorer), type blog.ryerson.ca in the address bar. 2. Click Log In, and enter your my.ryerson username and password, then click Log in again. 3. Once logged in, click on Dashboard, then My Sites. You will see a list of blogs you have access to. 4. Find the blog with your name, and click Dashboard. (You will know you are in your blog because your blog’s name will appear in the upper left-hand corner.) 5.In the sidebar, go to Posts, then Add New. Log into your Wordpress blog… HANDS-ON EXERCISES
5. Open a web browser (like Firefox or Internet Explorer), type blog.ryerson.ca in the address bar. 6. Click Log In, and enter your my.ryerson username and password, then click Log in again. 7. Once logged in, click on Dashboard, then My Sites. You will see a list of blogs you have access to. 8. Find the blog with your name, and click Dashboard. (You will know you are in your blog because your blog’s name will appear in the upper left-hand corner.) HANDS-ON EXERCISES
1. In a new browser window or tab, go to and use the search to find a video that you would like to embed. (Michelle’s example was Cornel West) 2. Locate, and click on the Embed button. Look at the options, especially size. (I recommend using the smallest size option for this exercise. Click the size option to use it.) Exercise 1: Embed from Youtube HANDS-ON EXERCISES
3.Highlight the embed code and copy by going to Edit > Copy in your browser. 4.Go back to the browser window or tab containing your blog.ryerson.ca blog. You should have a new post started… 5.Locate the “Visual” and “HTML” tabs – click HTML. Paste the embed code into the body of this post, by going to Edit > Paste in your browser. 6. Give the post a title, then click the blue Publish button. HANDS-ON EXERCISES
1.First, we need to download the audio file we will be using: In a new browser window or tab, go to web20.blog.ryerson.ca Go to Session Tools > Sample Audio File. You will see a link to an MP3 file. Download it by putting your mouse over the link, clicking the right mouse button, and then Save As / Save Link As… (may be different in different browsers). Save to the Desktop. Exercise 2: Podcast an Audio File HANDS-ON EXERCISES
2.Go back to the window containing your blog. 3.Go to Settings > Privacy and make sure one of the first two options is selected, to enable the subscription. 4.Go to Plugins and locate and activate the Podcasting plugin. 5.Start a new post, by going to Posts, then Add New. 6.Upload the audio file to the post, by clicking the music note icon in the Upload/Insert section just above the post window. HANDS-ON EXERCISES
7.After it has uploaded, you will see details of the file. Look at the Link URL section and click File URL. 8.Highlight the Link URL and click Edit > Copy in your browser to copy it. 9.Close the pop-up window by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner. HANDS-ON EXERCISES
10.Back in the Edit Post window, scroll down until you see the Podcasting section. 10.Paste into the File URL field by clicking your cursor into it, then clicking Edit > Paste in your browser. Click Add. 11.Click the blue Send to Editor button. This will add a special code into your post. Be careful not to modify it, as you complete your post (be sure to give it a title, etc.). HANDS-ON EXERCISES
13.Click the blue Publish button. 14.Click the title of your blog to view it. Take a look at the audio player & try it out. 15.Click the RSS feed icon. (Like the orange one above, but could be a different colour. There is probably one in the address bar of the browser. Select the RSS 2.0 or Atom feed option.) 16.You may have a couple of options listed. In this case, select Subscribe to RSS This is what is contained in the RSS feed – notice the part that identifies the media file. This makes it a podcast! HANDS-ON EXERCISES
18.Copy the feed URL from the browser’s address bar by highlighting it, then going to Edit > Copy in the browser. 19.Open iTunes on your computer. In the menu, go to Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast. 20.Paste into the box by clicking in the box, then going to Edit > Paste in iTunes. Click OK. iTunes will try to subscribe to your podcast and download the most recent episode. 21.If it was successful, you should be able to play back your podcast audio file. The file has been downloaded to your computer. HANDS-ON EXERCISES