Welcome to BCHM2072 & BCHM2972 Human Biochemistry NB: NO PRACS THIS WEEK
Required For BCHM2072 For BCHM2972 (Advanced) Full Pass in MBLG2771 Meant to have a Distinction in MBLG2771/2871 Normally >70 and a Distinction in BCHM2071 However…. the Faculty Handbook says “ a Distinction in two of the prerequisite units of study” and this includes Chemistry 1!! Changes require formal enrolment variation at Faculty Advanced do: Some different practical tasks Different exam More molecular detail Differences between Regular and Advanced emphasised in Study Guides Some different assignments
Changing Enrolment Enrolled in BCHM2972 and D in MBLG2X71 no action. Enrolled in BCHM2972 but do NOT have a D in MBLG2X71 re-enrol in BCHM2072 (please tell us) OR Email Rachel Moerman (R.Moerman@mmb.usyd.edu.au) & give reasons to support your case Enrolled in BCHM2072 and D in MBLG2X71 No action OR You can re-enrol in BCHM2972 (please tell us). Enrolled in BCHM2072 but do NOT have a D in MBLG2X71 if you desperately want to do Advanced, email Rachel Moerman & give reasons to support your case
Assessment Examination on Theory 50% Practical 50% 2h exam time Chance to introduce some assignment contribution if you wish Five OPTIONAL assignments during the semester Up to 20% of the Theory component Practical 50% Lab book, reports, assignments, design tasks But no skills test 1 h exam time NB: NO PRACS THIS WEEK
Optional Assignments Given out Fridays Weeks 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11 MUST be handed in at start of the next (Wed) lecture Box at front will close at 10.10 am NO penalty for NOT doing the assignment NO special considerations Assignments CAN count 4% of Theory mark each But you don’t have to accept the marks YOU CAN withdraw an assignment mark at ANY TIME before StuVac If you don’t like the mark and fancy your chances of doing better in the exam Withdrawal must be IN WRITING/EMAIL Student Support Office, Level 4, Biochem Bldng Rachel Moerman
Resources ANY modern Biochemistry Text Biochemistry Web Page Garrett and Grisham, Stryer, etc BUT Frayn is recommended Biochemistry Web Page www.mmb.usyd.edu.au Go to Courses, then BCHM2072 Updated regularly Lecture notes, past-paper questions, study guides and assignments! Prac related stuff… radioactive counts, interactive tutorials, etc
FOCUS ON THE BIG PICTURE!!!! PATHWAYS Yes, biochemistry DOES involve pathways BUT…. It is ONLY important to know what they do in conceptual terms The ‘point’ and ‘control’ Hopefully reflected in the teaching! DO NOT ROTE LEARN THE PATHWAYS Will provide printed versions of the pathways for the exam Exam is ‘open book’ – can take in cheat sheets Nearly all questions extrapolative FOCUS ON THE BIG PICTURE!!!!
Special Consideration Process described in handout Relevant application ‘pack’ on web (Faculty of Science) DOUCUMENTATION…. Documentation…documentation Lot’s of red tape and shuttling between Faculty Office and Biochem Student Support Office. Missing the exams DEFERRED EXAMS are on 25th November Different papers
Practicals NB: NO PRACS THIS WEEK Resource manual in Co-op NOT the Copy Centre!! Lists of practical day allocations on Green Noticeboard To request a change in your prac day … form on the web and in Student Support Office Hand in to Student Support Office DO BEFORE THURSDAY PLEASE Currently need people to do Even Wednesdays If you have only just enrolled, email us or visit us to give us your details ! Rachel Moerman R.Moerman@mmb.usyd.edu.au Duty tutor on every day from 11.15 am Deborah Blanckenberg Will try to avoid duplication of demonstrators Smaller lab to the side of the one you used for MBLG2
Immediate Actions Please check your email regularly over the next week ENSURE you are not re-directing Uni Mail to a full or terminated public account!! Check the Green Noticeboard as you pass the Department Read the Radioactivity practical notes Do the interactive tutorials (see BCHM2 web site) Note that working with radioactivity is a tremendous privilege Assume your pracs start next week