Presentation of the Conference Meeting Akio Sakurai, USP Synchronizing EU-LatAm research priorities and opportunities │Brasilia│ 21/09/11 Presentation of the Conference Meeting Akio Sakurai, USP Synchronizing EU-LatAm research priorities and opportunities │Brasilia│ 21/09/11
Synchronizing EU-LA research priorities and opportunities│Brasilia│22-23/09/11 Main Objective >To look for immediate opportunities for cooperation between researchers of the two communities (Europe and Latin America). >Short term cooperation: to give opportunities to the key ICT players on both Europe and Latin America sides to meet together and promote international cooperation based on current agreements and frameworks for cooperation (this being open to both academia and industry); >Medium-term cooperation: to produce concrete inputs to the policy dialogue, providing ICT specific themes for cooperation and roadmaps towards their implementation that can constitute the core of joint research cooperation in future calls in the coming years.
Synchronizing EU-LA research priorities and opportunities│Brasilia│22-23/09/11 Date and Venue >Date and location >The workshop will take place on September 21 st at Brasília (Brazil). >Venue >Centro de Convenções e Eventos Brasil 21 (Convention and Events Center Brazil 21) >Setor Hoteleiro Sul Quadra 6 Lote 1 Conjunto A - Brasília - DF >Phone: >
Synchronizing EU-LA research priorities and opportunities│Brasilia│22-23/09/11 Expected Results >Immediate increase in the number and intensity of Euro-LA cooperation and a set of recommendations related to future joint research areas and ways of supporting them.
Synchronizing EU-LA research priorities and opportunities│Brasilia│22-23/09/11 Expected Audience >Representatives from Ministries of Science and Technology, Economics, Education and Foreign Office; >National public agencies related to ICT R&D; >Universities, research centers and other institutions involved in ICT R&D and Innovation; >Industries actuating on ICT market; >FORESTA project partners.
Synchronizing EU-LA research priorities and opportunities│Brasilia│22-23/09/11 September, 21 st 2011 – 09:30 to 10:00 >Opening Session >The objective of this session is to open and present the importance of conference workshop.
Synchronizing EU-LA research priorities and opportunities│Brasilia│22-23/09/11 September, 21 st 2011 – 10:00-12:30 >Panel subject: “The importance of the integrated ICT Policies in the European Union and Latin America with a particular focus on Brazil” >The panel's goal is to present the importance of having an integrated ICT policy between the EU and Latin America, then the panelists will present from his point of view the advantages and disadvantages of an integrated policies considering the aspects of rules, human resources, technology, research and development. Also, the painelists should present some proposals to integrate it. >The panel comprises representatives from the European Union and Latin America from the government, companies and academia, enabling a broad discussion on this topic.
Synchronizing EU-LA research priorities and opportunities│Brasilia│22-23/09/11 September, 21 st 2011 – 14:00-16:50 >Working Groups: Discussion about e-inclusion, smart city and future internet >During the conference three working groups will be formed to discuss the following themes: e-Inclusion, Smart City and Future Internet. The working group that brings together key players from national ICT companies, industry associations ICT, universities and government agencies with an interest in enhancing cooperation with Europe. Most of these key actors, are attached to the BraFip Technology Platform.
Synchronizing EU-LA research priorities and opportunities│Brasilia│22-23/09/11 September, 21 st 2011 – 14:00-16:50 >BraFip Technology Platform was created by FIRST project during 2010, and include five working groups representing the most interested areas in collaboration in R + D + i with Europe. >BraFip platform participation is very important because it brings together greater National ICT critical mass areas and otherwise meets the various associations of ICT companies with universities and government agencies. >Results of this workshop will be presented in Conference on session “Working groups results presentations & wrap up".
Synchronizing EU-LA research priorities and opportunities│Brasilia│22-23/09/11 September, 21 st 2011 – 14:00-16:50 >The thematic work table consists of three working groups meeting for common cooperation interest areas between the Europe Union and Latin America, namely:
Synchronizing EU-LA research priorities and opportunities│Brasilia│22-23/09/11 September, 21 st 2011 – 14:00-16:50 >E-inclusion: The Brazil is developing several projects in order to reduce the digital exclusion, through the ICT learning and dissemination can help reducing poverty and illiteracy, as well as creating the new labour market opportunities. The challenges are the structural difficulty of integrating ICT and digital culture to pedagogical processes.
Synchronizing EU-LA research priorities and opportunities│Brasilia│22-23/09/11 September, 21 st 2011 – 14:00-16:50 >Smart City: The current infrastructure of Brazilian cities do not meet the necessities of population, although many cities have invested in digital cities, which was the investment in Internet broadband access, without improving the services provided by local governments. In this context and considering the great events that will be held in Brazil (FIFA Worldcup and the Olympic Games), cities need to invest in smart cities, which will enhance the comfort and quality of life of citizens and tourists.
Synchronizing EU-LA research priorities and opportunities│Brasilia│22-23/09/11 September, 21 st 2011 – 14:00-16:50 >Future Internet: Trends and expectations for 2011 will drive: mobility - first notebook sales should surpass the desktop, SaaS and Cloud Computing; scan tools for social networking and renewal of infrastructure networks capable of absorbing a greater volume of business.