Generalized Momentum The momentum can be expressed in terms of the kinetic energy. A generalized momentum can be defined similarly. Kinetic energy in generalized coordinatesKinetic energy in generalized coordinates Equivalent to transformed Newtonian momentumEquivalent to transformed Newtonian momentum
Momentum in Lagrangian The momentum can be derived from the Lagrangian. Potential energy independent of velocity The momentum can be used in the EL equations.
Ignorable Coordinates If the Lagrangian doesn’t depend on a generalized coordinate, the generalized momentum is conserved. assume then
Projectile Motion The Lagrangian for a projectile does not depend on x. x -momentum conservedx -momentum conserved x y m
Eliminating Coordinates Ignorable (cyclic) coordinates can be eliminated from a Lagrangian. Defines the Routhian Reduced degrees of freedom by 1 The new Lagrangian gives the same equations of motion.
Hamiltonian The idea of the Routhian can be extended. Include all coordinatesInclude all coordinates Defines the HamiltonianDefines the Hamiltonian The time derivative of H depends on the individual coordinates and velocities.
Energy Conservation Use The EL equations can be used to eliminate terms from the time derivative. If the Lagrangian is independent of time, the Hamiltonian is conserved. Expressed as total energy next