How to give effective professional and academic presentations Eleni Tsiartsioni MPhil Trinity College Dublin, Ireland PhD Candidate Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thursday 22 May 2008 University of Macedonia, Department of Technology Management, Naousa
Eleni Tsiartsioni2 Structure of this presentation 1.Preparing the presentation 2.Performing the presentation 3.Giving feedback 4.Observation of presentations 5.Workshop
Eleni Tsiartsioni3 A. PREPARING THE PRESENTATION ‘ In all things success depends on previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure’
Eleni Tsiartsioni4 Stages of the preparation 1.Why 2.Who 3.What 4.How 5.Where and when
Eleni Tsiartsioni5 Why? The General Purpose To inform To persuade
Eleni Tsiartsioni6 Why? The Specific Purpose The result you want to achieve State it in one sentence- clearly and concisely
Eleni Tsiartsioni7 Examples of purposes… To inform the audience about the benefits of using a particular system To tell the audience about new procedures To persuade the audience to support a project To persuade the audience to use our services To ‘sell’ our company to the audience
Eleni Tsiartsioni8 Who? Complete an audience profile: Who are they? How many? Why are they coming? What do they know about the subject? Why are they interested in the subject? What is their relationship to you?
Eleni Tsiartsioni9 What? ‘Three things matter in a speech; who says it, how it is said and what is said- and of the three, the last matters least’. John Morley
Eleni Tsiartsioni10 What? Presentation outline Good Organisation: Helps you remember Helps them remember Helps them understand Helps you to keep the point Helps you to reduce nervousness
Eleni Tsiartsioni11 The Beginning Capture interest Relate subject to them Give purpose Be brief
Eleni Tsiartsioni12 The Middle Have 3 or 4 main points (they will not remember more than 4 points!) Take 80% of the time Have signposts and summaries
Eleni Tsiartsioni13 The Ending Summarise the main points Relate conclusion to them Don’t present new ideas Be interesting Be brief
Eleni Tsiartsioni14 How? 1.Key words 2.Rehearsal
Eleni Tsiartsioni15 How? Keywords Use index cards Print in big capitals Only keywords Number cards Use colour coding
Eleni Tsiartsioni16 How? Rehearsals Rehearsal is the most important part of preparing Run through your presentation at least twice Check timing
Eleni Tsiartsioni17 How? Fears… Fear of saying or doing something foolish Failure of equipment Not being able to find the right word in English SOLUTION? Preparation and practice!!
Eleni Tsiartsioni18 Where? Things to take Things to check
Eleni Tsiartsioni19 When? The best time are: Tuesday to Thursday… From 10 to 12
Eleni Tsiartsioni20 B. PERFORMING THE PRESENTATION ‘The human brain starts working the moment we are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public’ George Jessel
Eleni Tsiartsioni21 The Beginning Say hello Say who you are Give purpose and main points Give schedule Handouts? Questions?
Eleni Tsiartsioni22 Making it interesting Visual aids Quote Surprising fact Story/ anecdote Question
Eleni Tsiartsioni23 Language ‘ The person who uses a lot of big words is not trying to inform you; he is trying to impress you’ O. Miller
Eleni Tsiartsioni24 Language: the don’ts Avoid jargon Avoid complex phrases Avoid being too formal Avoid long sentences
Eleni Tsiartsioni25 Language: the dos Use everyday language Use concrete words Use rhetorical questions (i.e. ‘What should we do?’ –pause ‘How much would it cost?’ –pause) Use dramatic structures (i.e. We have a revolutionary product What we have is a revolutionary product)
Eleni Tsiartsioni26 Signposting Signpost Summarise Use check-up questions
Eleni Tsiartsioni27 Making it interesting Stories/ anecdotes Explain by analogy Involve them: Ask questions Pause and reply
Eleni Tsiartsioni28 Visual Aids and Body Language Chinese proverb
Eleni Tsiartsioni29 Visual Aids and Body Language Which is the most important? Content? Tone of voice? Body language?
Eleni Tsiartsioni30 Flip Chart and Whiteboard Big and bold Use colours Face audience when you talk and write Flip over/ wipe off when finished
Eleni Tsiartsioni31 Overhead Projector Use a mask to show one point at a time Use a pen or pointer on the machine Switch it off so they focus on you
Eleni Tsiartsioni32 Making Transparencies Use software or write with special pens Max. 8 lines Use keywords Use pictures Use colours
Eleni Tsiartsioni33 Body language: the dos Move hands and arms Move around the room (?) Move towards audience Move your eyes around the audience Moving is normal
Eleni Tsiartsioni34 Body language: the don’ts Don’t point at anyone Don’t rock backwards and forwards Don’t stand rooted to the spot Don’t leave your hands by your sides Don’t avoid eye contact
Eleni Tsiartsioni35 Voice: Voice and Pronunciation Project your voice: aim for the back Emphasise importance Say some words louder Repeat important words
Eleni Tsiartsioni36 Making it interesting Go faster to excite Go slower to show importance Pause often and look round audience Give emphasis with voice and body
Eleni Tsiartsioni37 Ending ‘ Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening’ Dorothy Sarnoff
Eleni Tsiartsioni38 The ending: Communication techniques Finish on time Cut out, but not summing up or conclusion
Eleni Tsiartsioni39 The Ending Sum up Conclude Handouts? Any questions? Close
Eleni Tsiartsioni40 Questions What is a question? The only real question is a request for further information Other questions are: -requests for the spotlight -attacks or traps
Eleni Tsiartsioni41 ‘Real’ Questions Paraphrase for audience If real question, answer it briefly Answer audience, not just the questioner If you don’t know the answer, say so
Eleni Tsiartsioni42 Feedback Grid: Giving feedback Stress the good points Use constructive criticism Give feedback to the presenter by using you, not he or she
Eleni Tsiartsioni43 Summing up How to prepare How to give the presentation Key Words: –Practise –Rehearse –Be confident
Eleni Tsiartsioni44 Thank you!
Eleni Tsiartsioni45 Any Questions???